Campaigners hail new regulation to punish killer cyclists as ‘implausible’

  • Matt Briggs has campaigned for stricter laws since his wife was killed by cyclist
  • He said the proposal is ‘fantastic’ and provides a ‘clear process to prosecution’

Campaigners have hailed a proposed law change that could see cyclists who cause death by dangerous driving face life in prison as a ‘fantastic result’.

Matt Briggs has campaigned for nearly a decade for dangerous cyclists to be given harsher prison sentences after his wife Kim, 44, was killed by a reckless teen rider in east London in 2016 as she crossed the road on her lunch break. 

The House of Commons today backed an amendment to create three new offences, including ‘causing death by dangerous cycling’, ‘causing serious injury by dangerous cycling’ and ‘causing death by careless or inconsiderate cycling’.

The plan, put forward by Sir Iain Duncan Smith, was supported by the Government and will form part of the Criminal Justice Bill, which is currently making its way through Parliament as it bids to become law.

Mr Briggs, 53, told MailOnline today that although ‘nothing will bring Kim back’, he hopes the changes will provide ‘parity in the law’ and give authorities a ‘clear process to prosecution’.

Matt Briggs, 53, has campaigned for nearly a decade for dangerous cyclists to be given harsher prison sentences after his wife Kim, 44, was killed by a reckless teen rider in east London as she crossed the road on her lunch break. Mr and Mrs Briggs are pictured together

The House of Commons today backed an amendment to create three new offences, including ‘causing death by dangerous cycling’, ‘causing serious injury by dangerous cycling’ and ‘causing death by careless or inconsiderate cycling’ (stock photo)

The plan, put forward by Sir Iain Duncan Smith, (pictured in October 2023) was supported by the Government and will form part of the Criminal Justice Bill, which is currently making its way through Parliament as it bids to become law

Charlie Alliston was riding an illegal fixed-gear bike with no front brakes at 18mph when he collided with Kim in Old Street, east London in 2016.

Alliston was jailed for 18 months after he was found guilty at the Old Bailey of ‘wanton or furious driving’, using a law from 1861 – the Offences Against The Person Act – that was designed for horse riders.

Mr Briggs, arguing that using a Victorian-era law to prosecute cyclists was ‘utterly ineffective’, said he is pleased that the proposed law is moving forward to the House of Lords.

‘It has been a whirlwind over the past week. I am delighted not just for myself, but for so many other families involved in this,’ he told MailOnline. ‘It is a fantastic result, great for all of us.’

He thinks ‘a little tightening is need on the bill’ but recognises that the proposal is a huge milestone for holding dangerous cyclists accountable.

‘I have been focused on getting this law through,’ he said. 

‘This law has been my pure and primary focus. Kim died in 2016 and since the end of the trial, for seven years, I have been campaigning for this law.’

Mr Briggs, who has two children aged 21 and 18, said that his family ‘wanted something good to come out of this tragedy’.

‘Nothing will bring Kim back, the same way it won’t bring any others back. But hopefully it will help put an end to the confusion and chaos when you realise there is no law to prosecute cyclists,’ he said. 

Charlie Alliston (right, pictured in 2017) was riding an illegal fixed-gear bike with no front brakes at 18mph when he collided with Kim Briggs (left) in Old Street, east London in 2016. Alliston was jailed for 18 months after he was found guilty at the Old Bailey of ‘wanton or furious driving’, using a law from 1861 – the Offences Against The Person Act – that was designed for horse riders

Mr Briggs, (pictured in 2017) who has two children aged 21 and 18, said that his family ‘wanted something good to come out of this tragedy’. He told MailOnline today: ‘Nothing will bring Kim back, the same way it won’t bring any others back. But hopefully it will help put an end to the confusion and chaos when you realise there is no law to prosecute cyclists’

‘The police and CPS will now have a clear process to prosecution.’

Mr Briggs added that his campaign was not ‘anti-cyclist’, but instead a push for equality in the law.

‘I cycle sometimes,’ he said. ‘But as the risk grows, with more people cycling,’ you need stronger rules.’

Although he tirelessly campaigned for stricter cycling legislation for nearly a decade, Mr Briggs plans to put his energy into other priorities in wake of the bill.

He added: ‘I always said that once it’s done, I’ll step back. I have so many other things in my life. My kids are my primary focus.’

Dangerous cycling is already defined in the Road Traffic Act, which includes riding in a way which ‘falls far below what would be expected of a competent and careful cyclist’ and which ‘would be obvious to a competent and careful cyclist that riding in that way would be dangerous’.

The proposed law would require cyclists to make sure their vehicle ‘is equipped and maintained’ in a legal way, which includes keeping brakes in working order.

It would apply to incidents involving pedal cycles, e-bikes, e-scooters and e-unicycles.

Causing death or serious injury by dangerous, careless or inconsiderate driving are already offences, but the vehicle involved must be ‘mechanically propelled’.

Sir Iain, when he put forward the plan, told MPs that the new law was ‘urgent’.

The former Tory leader said: ‘This is not, as is often accused by people who say anything about it, anti-cycling. Quite the opposite, it’s about making sure this takes place in a safe and reasonable manner.’

Cyclists were recorded speeding through Regent’s Park, London on May 11, 2024

Sir Iain also made reference to Mr Briggs. He said: ‘(Mr Briggs’) attempt to get a cyclist prosecuted after his wife was killed in central London in 2016 involved a legal process that was so convoluted and difficult even the presiding judge has said afterwards, since she’s retired, that this made a mockery and therefore it needed to be addressed, that the laws do not cover what happened to his wife and is happening to lots of other people.’

‘The amendment, I believe, will achieve equal accountability, just as drivers are held accountable for dangerous driving that results in death, cyclists I think should face similar consequences for reckless behaviour that leads to fatalities.’

Transport Secretary Mark Harper added: ‘Most cyclists, like most drivers, are responsible and considerate. But it’s only right that the tiny minority who recklessly disregard others face the full weight of the law for doing so.

‘Just like car drivers who flout the law, we are backing this legislation introducing new offences around dangerous cycling. These new measures will help protect law-abiding cyclists, pedestrians and other road users, whilst ensuring justice is done.’