Couple fined £2k for taking children on journey throughout time period time however nonetheless saved £3.2k

A couple who were slapped with a £2k fine for whisking their kids away on a holiday during term time have claimed they still saved £3.2k on the cost of the trip, and insist they have “no regrets”.

Rebekah Richardson, 38, and Dale Wood, 46, had planned a dream holiday to Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, US, for their children – Jacob, eight, and Oliver, seven.

However, when they compared the price of going in September during term time to the October half term, they were gobsmacked to see a whopping £5k price difference.

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Despite deciding to go during the school term, they are now “struggling to cope” as they face hefty fines from their local authority.

The family have had to set up a direct debit to pay £170-a-month to pay off the fine
(Image: Rebekah Richardson / SWNS)

Derbyshire County Council issued a fixed penalty notice, or a fine, to both parents – ordering Rebekah to cough up £924 and Dale £1,044.

If they hadn’t paid up within 28 days, they risked potentially being prosecuted for their children’s absence from school – though they have now started a payment plan.

Rebekah, a hairdresser hailing from Clowne, Derbyshire, said: “We’re being treated as criminals for taking our young kids on holiday.”

“I feel as parents we’re penalised for everything now. I have no regrets as a parent – I think you can’t ever regret spending time together as a family.

Derbyshire County Council issued a fixed penalty notice
(Image: Rebekah Richardson / SWNS)

“The fine situation it’s like Russian roulette some get fined some don’t which is unfair.

“Either every parent gets fined or none you can’t pick and choose – I don’t think we should get criminal records.”

Dale, an ex-soldier now employed by a water firm, has been battling PTSD following the sudden death of his brother, Gavin, at 35 due to complications from the Covid jab.

The holiday, which spanned from September 12 to September 27, was partly a mental health break, with the destination being his late brother Gavin’s favourite spot.

Rebekah described the holiday as “magical” but is now fretting over having to scrap Christmas for her family as they are “totally skint.”

Rebekah, a hairdresser hailing from Clowne, Derbyshire, said: ‘We’re being treated as criminals’
(Image: Rebekah Richardson / SWNS)

On Tuesday May 30, Rebekah and Dale were gobsmacked to receive a court summons.

To add insult to injury, Dale – who earns through contracts – had been off work since January due to his mental health and only returned three weeks ago.

The couple are currently contesting the amount – due to their financial circumstances changing.

The family are now behind on every bill and have had to set up a direct debit to pay £170-a-month to pay off the fine.

Breakdown of trip the Woods’ family trip

Out of term time

Flights and accommodation in a package – £3,000.

Family tickets for Orlando Studios – £1,200.

Family tickets for Disneyland (for three days) – £1,100.

Total: £5,200.

During school holidays

Flights and accommodation in a package – £6,200.

Family tickets for Orlando Studios – £2,100.

Family tickets for Disneyland (for three days) – £2,100.

Total spent – £10,400.

Saving – £5,200.

Savings after fines – £3,200.

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