How to inform for those who’ve been contaminated with cryptosporidium

Hundreds of people in Devon have been struck down by a microscopic parasite that infiltrated their water supply.

Called cryptosporidium, commonly known as ‘crypto’, it can infect the digestive system of animals and people.

Once there it causes symptoms like watery diarrhoea, stomach pain, vomiting, a fever, and loss of appetite.

Medics technically call this disease cryptosporidiosis.

Sufferers often have to endure these symptoms for two weeks before it is finally clear from their systems, but bouts of illness can last even longer, particularly in people with weakened immune systems like cancer patients. 

Cryptosporidium parasites are protected by a thick shell that allows them to even survive in chlorinated swimming pool water

South West Water apologised to customers and gave them detailed advice on how to eliminate illness-causing organisms from their water

Victims can also experience periods of false hope where their symptoms clear for a few days, making them believe they are finally over the infection, only for it to return. 

Most people aren’t offered treatment for crypto and instead are told to drink plenty of fluids and minimise contact with other people while waiting until symptoms pass. 

People are typically infected with Crypto via contact with faeces containing the parasite, either from humans or animals that then enters their mouth. 

These infected faeces can contaminate lakes, streams, swimming pools and, as appears to be the case in Devon, water supplies.

Risk of water supplies becoming infected is higher following periods of heavy rainfall and when animals are giving birth, such as the lambing season.  

People can also get it by caring for people infected with crypto, particularly young children.

This can occur when people change a nappy and then put their hands near or in their mouth without washing them thoroughly, for example.

Other possible sources of infection are contact with infected milk, or from vegetables that have been fertilised with infected animal manure and not washed thoroughly. 

Those infected by crypto are advised to take several steps to minimise passing the parasite on to other people in their household.

This includes washing dirty clothes, bedding and towels on the hottest setting, and not preparing food others until you have been symptom-free for at least 48 hours if possible.

The infected are also advised to stay off work and school until they have been symptom-free for at least two days. 

As crypto can survive in faecal matter for long periods of time sufferers are asked not to go swimming until two weeks after their diarrhoea has stopped.

This includes both natural bodies of water as well as swimming pools as traces of infected dried poo can wash off an infected swimmer’s anus.

Traces of a disease-causing parasite have been found in the water in Brixham, Devon, with locals advised to boil their tap water before drinking 

South West Water posted a warning to customers in Brixham on its website advising them to boil tap water

Infected people can shed up to 100million cryptosporidium germs in a single bowel movement, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

And swallowing just 10 is enough to get ill.

In regard to the current outbreak, UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said 22 cases of cryptosporidium infection been confirmed in the town of Brixham, Devon.

Residents have been told to boil the water to try and avoid contracting infection. 

The water supplier for the area, South West Water, said ‘small traces’ of the parasite cryptosporidium, were found in the water supplies in Brixham.

UKHSA is leading an investigation into the outbreak. People living in two different areas have now been told to boil their tap water before drinking it, and bottled water stations are being set up.

South West Water said it was ‘urgently investigating’ the outbreak in Devon, adding: ‘Customers in Alston and the Hillhead area of Brixham are advised to boil their drinking water before consuming following new test results for cryptosporidium.

‘We are issuing this notice following small traces of the organism identified overnight and this morning.’ 

Sarah Bird, health protection consultant at UKHSA South West, said: ‘We advise people in the affected areas to follow the advice from South West Water and boil their drinking water and allow to cool before use.

‘Anyone with a diarrhoeal illness should drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and if they have severe symptoms like bloody diarrhoea, they should contact NHS 111 or their GP surgery.’