Rishi Sunak is grilled on his OWN intercourse training on ITV’s Loose Women

Rishi Sunak was grilled on his own sex education today as he appeared on ITV‘s Loose Women.

The PM braved questioning from the panel, including Janet Street-Porter, as he tries to get the Tory message to a wider audience.

He defended new guidance on teaching sex education and gender in schools. But asked what his own sex education had been like he insisted he could not remember.  

At one point Ms Street-Porter pointed to the fact national insurance had been cut instead of tax, demanding: ‘Why do you hate pensioners?’

Rishi Sunak braved questioning from the panel, including Janet Street-Porter, as he tries to get the Tory message to a wider audience

Mr Sunak responded that the triple lock had seen a huge rise in the state pension this year. 

The other members of the Loose Women panel were Judy Love, Jane Moore and Kaye Adams. 

The premier admitted that he regretted the strains of being in No10 meant he was ‘not able to be as good a dad’ as he wanted.

But he dismissed the idea that if he loses the election he will quit Parliament and move to the US, saying: ‘Of course I’m staying, I love being an MP.’