Rishi Sunak requested why he ‘hates pensioners’ in brutal Loose Women grilling

Rishi Sunak was put on the spot on ITV’s Loose Women by Janet Street-Porter, who bluntly asked him why he “hates pensioners” in a special edition of the daytime talk show.

During the fiery exchange, the Loose Women star didn’t hold back as she grilled the PM over the impact of his policies on retirees following warnings from economists that older people were hit hardest by the Spring Budget. Street-Porter acknowledged Sunak as a “decent man” with his “heart in the right place”, but then, to audience applause, she challenged him: “Why do you hate pensioners? ”

She argued that this was the only conclusion she could draw from the Spring Budget outcomes, pointing out that while national insurance was cut by 4p, it meant nothing to pensioners who don’t pay NI. She continued her critique, highlighting the plight of poverty among pensioners, citing figures and expressing concern that many are forced to take on extra work just to afford basic luxuries and social activities.

The panelist then went on to question the fairness of taxing pensioners who earn a little over £1,000 a year, suggesting they have fared worse under Conservative governance, particularly under Sunak’s watch.

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Janet Street-Porter asked the PM why he ‘hates pensioners’ in a tense exchange during Thursday’s show
(Image: ITV)

The Prime Minister responded by asserting his deep concern for pensioners and emphasised the Conservative Party’s commitment to maintaining the triple lock on state pensions. He said: “Lots of people criticise us for that [triple lock]. But we’ve protected it and that means the state pension right now has just gone up by £900.”, reports the Mirror.

Earlier this year, in March, the Resolution Foundation stated that all eight million pensioners would see their taxes rise by an average of £1,000 by 2027/28 due to frozen income tax thresholds.

When asked by panel member Jane Moore if he would step down as an MP if the Tories lose the upcoming general election, Mr Sunak firmly stated he would remain in his position. He said: “Of course I’m staying. I love being an MP. I love my constituents, I love my home in North Yorkshire.”

He also hinted at a possible autumn election, suggesting it could be “good for your holiday”.

Alison McGovern, Labour’s Acting Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, criticised the Conservatives and in particular their treatment of pensioners saying: “The Tories have failed pensioners.”

“They crashed the economy, broke the Triple Lock during a cost-of-living crisis and put pensioners’ living standards on the line with an unfunded £46 billion black hole. “.

Conservative PartyITVLoose WomenRishi Sunak