Real purpose King Charles ‘could not’ see Harry – it is one thing with late Queen

It appears the real reason why King Charles didn’t meet Prince Harry during his recent UK visit has been unveiled.

The monarch seemingly snubbed his youngest son when he was in the UK last week before jetting off to Nigeria with his wife Meghan Markle.

At the time, a spokesperson for Harry said he and his father couldn’t catch up due to the King’s packed schedule of Royal duties.

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This included honouring the senior peer who was instrumental in organising the late Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral and Charles’ Coronation, the Duke of Norfolk.

King Charles said he couldn’t meet his youngest son due to royal commitments
(Image: Getty Images)

The Duke, Edward Fitzalan-Howard, is Britain’s highest-ranking duke and most senior peer. As such, he’s responsible for organising state funerals for sovereigns and the accession and coronations of new monarchs.

He was notably absent from the New Years Honours, but the King presented him with a silver gilt Coronation Cup on May 7 during a private meeting at Buckingham Palace, which he reportedly keeps on display in his medieval family home, Arundel Castle in West Sussex.

The Duke of Norfolk said: “After the Coronation, the King wrote a wonderful letter saying thank you, adding that a gift would be on its way.

One of which was honouring the Duke who put together The Queen’s funeral
(Image: Getty Images)

“I am absolutely delighted with the Coronation Cup”, reports the Express.

The King had a series of meetings that prevented him from spending time with Prince Harry, who now resides in the US.

His Majesty prioritised his work commitments over a reunion with Harry, who jetted into London for an appearance at St Paul’s Cathedral.

However, it’s believed King Charles invited Prince Harry to stay with him
(Image: (Image: Getty))

A spokesperson for Harry stated: “In response to the many inquiries and continued speculation on whether or not the duke will meet with his father while in the UK this week, it, unfortunately, will not be possible due to His Majesty’s full programme.

“The duke of course is understanding of his father’s diary of commitments and various other priorities and hopes to see him soon.”

However, The Times’s Royal correspondent, Roya Nikkah, alleges that it was Harry who declined the King’s invitation, rather than the King being too occupied with other commitments.

However Prince Harry apparently turned down this invitation
(Image: (Image: Getty))

On The Royals podcast, Ms Nikkah claimed: “He could have had two nights with Charles, and he declined.

“Last week we got that statement saying it won’t be possible to see his father because he is too busy. That set the mood music for the whole week. Some people were saying ‘We agree with the King, of course, he is too busy, he is recovering from cancer and getting on with the job! ‘”.

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