‘I fell in love with a person who informed me he was a health care provider – however his lie unravelled’

Ever found yourself falling head over heels for someone’s job title?

From the allure of a sultry nurse to the heroics of a buff firefighter, it’s no shocker that one lass was left utterly flabbergasted when her dreamy doctor beau turned out to be a total sham. Spilling the beans on Reddit, the gobsmacked gal revealed she’d been wooed on a dating app by a bloke claiming to be a top-notch doctor, boasting an education from a swanky Ivy League university – think Yale, Harvard, or Brown.

Despite only being an item for a short while, she confessed to tumbling fast and hard. He was Mr. Romance, the bedroom antics were top-tier, and frankly, she thought she’d hit the jackpot.

But her world got turned on its head last night when she discovered that all he told her was seemingly an utter lie. “Last night, I just happened to walk into a Taco Bell and saw him working there behind the counter,” she shared with the Reddit crowd.

Their eyes met, but she played it cool, ordered her grub and legged it home to mull over the bombshell. She tried giving him a bell today, but the taco-slinging Casanova ghosted her calls.

“How could he lie to me like this? ,” she pondered aloud. “Do men do this often? I’m in absolute shock. Should I just forgive him for lying and move on with the relationship?

“Or should I dump him. I’m not sure if I would’ve given him a chance if I knew he worked at Taco Bell from the start, but I’m in love with him at this point. What do I do once I manage to talk to him again?”

The woman’s shocking revelation has sparked a frenzy of comments online, with Redditors dishing out their own tales of deceit. One user shared: “I dated a guy who told me he was the creative director for a film/entertainment company. We dated only briefly, he had a lot of emotional problems.

“Years later, in a strange coincidence, this same guy applied to be my boss’s personal assistant (I was doing the hiring), and I learned that all of that was a complete lie. He was basically a production assistant.”

Another chimed in with some advice: “If he’s actually a doctor of any kind, he’s licensed in your state and you can look it up. It’s possible but not likely that he’s not lying about being a doctor. I knew a guy who drove Uber as a resident because the pay is s***after med school.”

However, some users blasted the woman for her naivety, with one commenting: “I’m gonna say this is the kindest way I can, you don’t sound very mature. First of all, three months is a very short time, not enough to fall in love.”

And another added their two cents: “You are infatuated with the idea of the man you thought he was. Time to grow up and realise the difference before you get really screwed over.”

Have a story to tell? Get in touch, at lauren.haughey@reachplc.com
