‘The energy is in your arms to vary Britain for the higher at this election’

Rishi Sunak can’t hide any longer. That’s the beauty of our democracy. Ultimately, power doesn’t belong to the Prime Minister or any other politician.

Power rests with you. And now, that power is in your hands in this General Election. You have the chance. To make your voice heard. To seize control of your future, and your family’s future. To change Britain for the better.

I know people are cynical at the moment about whether politics – and politicians – can really make a difference. After 14 years of this government, frankly I’m not surprised. They’ve promised the earth and delivered ashes.

Time and again, they’ve pursued their own interests rather than tackling the issues that affect your family. They’ve left the country worse off than when they started. I don’t care which party you are, that’s unforgiveable.

You don’t have to look far to see it. Living standards are down. Crime goes unpunished. Ambulances never come. Schools crumble over our children’s heads. Sewage floods our waters. Mortgages and food prices are through the roof.

The country I love has lost its way – because it’s been led by people who simply weren’t up to the job. And mark my words. If the Tories get 5 more years, nothing will change. On the contrary. They’ll be even more entitled and more emboldened than ever.

So there’s a clear choice at this election. More chaos with the Tories, or stability with Labour. More decline and division. Or hope and unity with a changed Labour Party.

Because over the last four years, I’ve dragged the Labour Party back into the service of working people. My entire life has been about service – I came to politics late, after leading the Crown Prosecution Service. And now we seek – humbly – the opportunity to serve the country as well. That’s why Labour has a long term, serious plan to change Britain. No more gimmicks. No more sticking plasters.

We’ve set out the first steps that we would take in government. They’re fully costed, fully funded and ready to go. And they tackle the problems people care about most. These are steps to economic stability. To get the NHS back on its feet. Towards safer streets, secure borders, and cheaper bills. And last but certainly not least, to get the teachers we need in our children’s schools.

These are changes Mirror readers need and deserve. Maybe you’re a small business owner seeking stability for the future. Or have a loved one waiting for treatment on the NHS. Maybe you’re a parent – like me – who wants their children to succeed at school and feel safe walking home at night.

These steps will make a difference to your life. That’s change worth having. So on July 4, every Mirror reader has the opportunity. You have the choice. Together, we can stop the chaos. Together, we can turn the page. Together, we can rebuild our country. Vote Labour – and let’s get our future back.

Conservative PartyGeneral ElectionKeir StarmerLabour Party