Can the King vote within the General Election? Here’s every part it’s good to know

With the General Election just six weeks away and a new King on the throne to oversee his first election, the question of whether our new monarch can vote has arisen.

King Charles and the rest of the Royal Family can indeed vote, but he won’t. Despite it being their fundamental right to ban them from voting, Parliament guidelines state it is considered unconstitutional for the Monarch or their family to vote in an election. The official Royal website states that the Head of State “has to remain strictly neutral with respect to political matters” and is unable to stand for election or vote.

The late Queen did not vote and Charles is likely to follow his mother’s lead. It is believed Queen Camilla and the Prince and Princess of Wales, will follow suit. An Electoral Commission spokesman speaking about the late Queen previously said: “By convention, the Queen doesn’t vote, rather than because of a legal impediment.”

Despite not casting his own vote, the monarch plays a vital role as Head of State in the election process. His first job in the process has already been completed when Rishi Sunak confirmed he had spoken with the King to ask permission for the dissolution of parliament, to which he agreed.

Mr Sunak has approached the King ahead of the General Election announcement
POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Once parliament has been dissolved, the General Election campaign will officially be underway. The King is strictly politically neutral so will not be involved in the campaign in any way, and is unlikely to voice an opinion about it in the next six weeks before Brits head to the polls on Thursday, July 4.

Once the votes have been counted and the winner is declared, the King will then have another important role to play. Once the party with the most MPs in the House of Commons is revealed, its leader will have to go to the King and ask for his permission to form a government on his behalf. This meeting will formally be recorded in the Court Circular as “kissing hands” – although it is likely the winning leader and the King will only shake hands in reality.

Mr Sunak with the King in February 2024
Getty Images)

The late Queen saw 15 Prime Ministers come and go during her remarkable 70-year reign. Her 15 prime ministers were Winston Churchill 1951-55, Sir Anthony Eden 1955-57, Harold Macmillan 1957-63, Sir Alec Douglas-Home 1963-64, Harold Wilson 1964-70 and 1974-76, Edward Heath 1970-74, James Callaghan 1976-79, Margaret Thatcher 1979-90, John Major 1990-97, Tony Blair 1997-2007, Gordon Brown 2007-2010, David Cameron 2010-2016, Theresa May 2016-2019, Boris Johnson 2019 to 2022, and Liz Truss 2022.

The King is already on his second Prime Minister after Rishi Sunak took over from Liz Truss who lasted just days into the King’s reign.

King Charles IIIPolitics