UK staff do an additional 19 million days of unpaid extra time each month

A whopping 87% of workers are grafting an extra five and a half hours every month for absolutely zilch, according to a study of 2,000 employees. That’s a staggering 153 million hours of unpaid labour each month the equivalent of 19 million full eight-hour shifts.

It seems that 26% of the workforce are putting in the extra time because they can’t tick everything off their daily checklist, while 20% are drowning under ‘unrealistic’ workloads that don’t fit into their contracted hours. Nearly a third (29%) are so fed up they’re begging their bosses to lighten the load, and 27% reckon the work should be shared out more fairly among their colleagues.

Simon Garrity, UK country manager for ProTime, which commissioned the research and turned it into a report titled ‘The True cost of Overtime: How overwork impacts employee performance’, is sounding the alarm. He said: “Using our time effectively is so important, especially in today’s fast-paced work environment.”

“It’s concerning to see such a high percentage of adults working unpaid overtime, often due to unrealistic workloads or uncompleted tasks. Employers should prioritise workload management and ensure that employees’ time is valued and respected.”

The research also uncovered that a mere 6% of workers reckon they’re not all that productive during their working hours, with 3% confessing they’re pretty rubbish at managing their time. Distraction (56%), lack of focus (48%) and spending too much time on unimportant tasks (46%) were identified as the main culprits for poor time management.

Interestingly, 71% who excel at managing their time are more organised (66%), can prioritise well (57%) and make their own to-do lists (40%). The study also revealed that the average worker didn’t use all their holiday entitlement for the last full working year, with a quarter claiming they were unable to take the time off due to their workload.

This had a negative impact on the wellbeing of 35%, with 53% experiencing increased stress and anxiety and 41% feeling tired and burnt out. Despite this, a majority of 69% of workers are generally content with their work-life balance.

However, among those who weren’t happy, 20% are planning to quit their current job in the next six months as a result. While 14% are only staying in their job because their workload means they don’t have time to look for another one.

More than a quarter (26%) end up working more because they haven’t completed their to-do list for the day, and 20% have ‘unrealistic’ workloads for their contracted hours.
(Image: SWNS)

A poor balance also means 40% are less likely to go for a promotion and 47% are less inclined to take on additional responsibilities. The research, conducted via OnePoll, also found 42% have given up their hobbies due to work taking over, and 36% have missed important events like birthdays or a child’s nativity play.

Simon Garrity chimed in: “The UK’s widespread culture of overwork is a ticking time bomb that is a bad deal for both bosses and workers. Excessive workloads and unrealistic expectations are burning employees out, killing motivation and productivity, and driving away top talent from organisations.”

“Workers then get stuck in negative cycle, as a lack of support from managers causes overwork, which in turn harms their well-being, willingness to stay on in the job and how effectively they do their work. It’s important for bosses to understand unpaid work and missed holidays aren’t a sign of dedication, they are symptoms of a system which has to work better. Companies need to find ways to give their people fair amounts of work and make sure they have time for their families and hobbies. This will help everyone feel happier and work better.”

Dr Mansoor Soomro, Future of Work Lead at Teesside University International Business School, added his thoughts: “Unrealistic workloads and overtime culture is a productivity killer. There is a clear negative and diminishing impact on productivity after a certain number of hours.”

“Beyond that, mental fatigue sets in, leading to errors, decreased focus, and slower work. Exhausted employees become less efficient, negating the gains from extra hours. Secondly, overtime reduces innovation. Creativity thrives in a well-rested and balanced mind. Overworked employees have less mental energy for brainstorming new ideas or problem-solving creatively. This stifles innovation and the company’s ability to adapt and grow.”

Top reasons why employed adults work unpaid overtime:

  1. To finish their daily task list.
  2. The workload is too much for their contracted hours.
  3. There is a culture of working unpaid overtime in their office.
  4. They have to correct their own errors.
  5. They feel pushed by their boss.
  6. They need to fix a colleagues blunder.
  7. Pressure from coworkers.
  8. Difficulty managing time effectively.
  9. Aspiring to earn a promotion.
  10. They have nothing else to occupy their time.
