Has Santander discovered the reply to Britain’s financial institution closure disaster?

Nothing, it seems, will stop the tide of bank branch closures sweeping the country like a huge wave. 

Nearly 1,500 branches have been swept away – or put on death row – since the beginning of 2022 and I wouldn’t be surprised if the total surpasses 2,000 by the time we ring in the New Year.

Sadly, bricks and mortar and personal service no longer count for anything in the eyes of those who run our banks.

Welcome: A Santander work café 

Digitalisation – banking by phone or computer – is the only way forward. Shocking, discriminatory behaviour. 

Nearly everywhere I go, I see evidence of the withdrawal of the banks from the high street. 

In my current home town of Wokingham in Berkshire, a notice at the entrance to the Lloyds branch informs passers-by that it will shut by July 8.

It means that since I moved to the town in 2020, it will have lost four banks: Barclays, NatWest, Santander and now Lloyds. 

For the time being, only HSBC, building societies Nationwide and Newbury and a post office at the back of a decrepit WHSmith remain.

Protest: The protest meeting poster in Stornoway

Meanwhile, my colleague Rachel Rickard Straus is just back from a glorious train/road/ferry trip to the Outer Hebrides.

Stopping in the picturesque town of Stornoway, she saw a notice urging residents to attend a meeting about the closure of the TSB branch in September – one of 36 earmarked to be shut countrywide by the Spanish-owned bank.

‘Enough is enough,’ the poster screamed. The mood music among customers and councillors has hardly been helped by the branch review published by the bank, explaining its decision (all banks must produce such documents when shutting a branch).

Stating that TSB customers in Stornoway can use ‘a number of other branches’, the only two it mentions are TSB outlets in Inverness and Elgin – a mere 110 and 147 miles away respectively and both involving a ferry crossing.

It also talks about a banking ‘pop-up’ it will open in the town, presumably to persuade as many customers as possible to switch to mobile or internet banking.

The branches run in Stornoway by rivals Bank of Scotland, Royal Bank of Scotland, and Virgin Money (now part of Nationwide) are not given a mention in the review. Naughty.

Amid all this doom and gloom, are there crumbs of comfort that lovers of personal banking can draw on? A few, thank goodness. 

First, Nationwide has committed to maintaining a presence in all the towns and cities it currently has a branch in until at least 2028.

This is brilliant, though it begs the question: if Nationwide believes it can afford to keep such a large network of branches (605), why can’t its rivals?

Answers on a postcard to me at 9 Derry Street, London W8 5HY, or via email at: jeff.prestridge @mailonsunday.co.uk.

Second, we are seeing the slow roll-out of banking hubs in communities which have been left bankless. 

These hubs, funded by the major high street banks, may only provide basic services but they are run by empathetic staff who care about their customers.

So far, 131 hubs have been recommended, although only 41 are up and running.

Third, I really like what Santander is doing with a select number of its branches.

Rather than shutting them or turning them into soulless places where machines dominate (an approach adopted by rivals), it has transformed key branches in Leeds, London and Milton Keynes into work cafes.

As well as providing banking services (both automated and personal), the cafes allow people to come in and buy a coffee and a cake – chill or do some work (free high-speed wi-fi is available).

There are even private meeting rooms that can be booked by the hour – popular with small businesses, and you don’t have to be a customer to use them.

A few days ago, I had a mooch round the work cafe on the ground floor of the company’s offices in London (close to Euston).

It was all rather uplifting, with a buzz you don’t tend to find in most bank branches.

It has a real community feel to it – with people working alone on laptops, drinking coffee with friends, or attending meetings in a designated room.

There is a ‘card share’ facility where people can leave details of their services – everything from mental health coach through to therapy.

And for those particular about background music, there is a playlist to choose from.

There are also toilets for those who overindulge on the coffee, which is served by The Colombian Coffee Company (prices are discounted for Santander customers).

For banking, there are private spaces to speak to a member of staff. The branch has a manager, friendly Sarah Hicks, who kindly showed me round and told me about community events taking place at the cafe (a talk, for example, from the Metropolitan Police on local street crime and protection from scammers).

Santander says work cafes will be launched later this year at branches in London’s Kensington and Cheapside.

Great, but it would be brilliant if the idea really took off – and was introduced into a majority of Santander’s 444 UK branches.

Maybe I am being overly optimistic, but Santander work cafes have proved successful in other parts of the world – Chile and Spain in particular.

And maybe I’m old-fashioned but banks really should serve the communities they draw their custom – and make their profits – from.

The key to financial success

Get learning: Tools such as NatWest Rooster Money and GoHenry are useful at instilling financial discipline

Empowering our children with knowledge to tackle the financial jungle with confidence should be a given – especially in today’s social media-driven world where children are constantly encouraged to get mum and dad to buy the latest gadget, irrespective of cost.

It’s an objective that parents can help to fulfil, although not all parents have sufficient financial knowledge to do a proper job.

Tools such as NatWest Rooster Money and GoHenry are useful at instilling financial discipline – and teaching kids that money does not grow on trees.

But the key financial education work should take place in the classroom and as early in a child’s life as possible.

Money habits are formed early and are hard to change once ingrained.

So, I am four square behind the recommendation made last week by the Education Select Committee for financial education to start at primary rather than secondary school.

As charity The Centre for Financial Capability said last week: ‘Our research found that only one in three primary-aged children receive any form of financial education, despite money habits being formed as early as age seven.

‘Government must implement the committee’s recommendation as soon as possible – to give our young people the best possible chance at navigating the complex financial landscape.’

Spot on – although I imagine implementation will now have to wait for the Government formed post-July 4.