‘Labour’s New Deal for Working People is our plan to spice up wages’

I know the difference Labour in power can make. As a young mum in the 1990s, it was a Labour Government that transformed my life.

When I most needed it, that support meant I could go out and find the job that I built a life upon for me and my son. I got a job as a home help in social care.

The minimum wage meant I earned more. And joining a union changed the course of my life. These things were my lifeline.

The last Labour government introduced the National Minimum Wage, the 48-hour working week, 28 days paid holiday, parental leave, and greater protection from unfair dismissal. Never forget that the Tories opposed every one of them.

People deserve the security and opportunity to get on in life, but the Tories have taken Britain down the path of managed decline. Many are unable to get jobs they can raise a family on, while businesses are unable to retain the workers they need to grow.

It’s costing Britain’s workers and businesses dearly, with more and more people drawn into insecure work and good employers being undercut on an uneven playing field.

After years of chaos, the Tories have left behind a broken labour market and an economy marked by dire productivity, insecurity and low pay. They have attacked trade unions and disrespected business, creating division that has harmed working people and the economy.

Mirror readers need a Britain that works for working people. It’s time for change. Labour’s New Deal for Working People is our plan to make work pay.

It’s how we’ll boost wages, make jobs more secure and support working people to thrive – delivering a genuine living wage, banning exploitative zero-hour contracts, and ending fire and rehire.

While the Tories have failed to take on those who exploit Britain’s workers, we’ll deliver the biggest upgrade to rights at work for a generation.

Too much time has been lost already under the Tories, so a Labour Government would hit the ground running and introduce legislation within 100 days of entering government.

Our New Deal is core to our mission for growth, raising living standards in every part of the country. Because creating well-paid jobs across all parts of our country is what it takes to rebalance Britain.

Labour’s New Deal will ensure more people stay in work, make work more family-friendly and improve living standards, putting more money in working people’s pockets.

Only Labour can make Britain work for working people – and we have a plan to deliver it. The power is in your hands. Together we can turn the page on 14 years of Tory Government and chart a new course for our country..

But nothing is decided. The choice is in your hands. You have the power of your vote. Vote for change Thursday 4 July by voting Labour. Let’s take the path of national renewal. Together let’s change our country – and get Britain’s future back.

Angela RaynerGeneral ElectionLabour PartyLiving standardsMinimum wagePoliticsThe economy