Minister on vacation in Greece ‘is perhaps designing marketing campaign literature’

A Tory minister on holiday in Greece during the election battle could be busy ‘designing campaign literature’, the Work and Pension Secretary said today.

Mel Stride made the suggestion in interviews this morning after Steve Baker defended his absence since Rishi Sunak called the snap ballot for July 4.

The Northern Ireland minister complained that the PM had ‘told everyone we could go on holiday’ before making the announcement, saying he was on a ‘much-needed break’.

The row has fuelled Tory nerves about the bumpy start to the campaign, with senior MPs warning that disaffected colleagues they need to ‘zip it’.

‘Some just know they will lose and won’t forgive that they have lost another six months as MP,’ one veteran backbencher told MailOnline.  

Mel Stride made the suggestion in interviews this morning after Steve Baker defended his absence since Rishi Sunak called the snap ballot for July 4

Mr Baker complained that the PM had ‘told everyone we could go on holiday’ before making the announcement, saying he was on a ‘much-needed break’

Asked last night about the bumpy start to the campaign, the Prime Minister told ITV News: ‘Of course this is my responsibility, and I actually enjoyed the last few days.’

Asked about Mr Baker – who is defending a majority of just 1,500 in his Wycombe constituency after boundary changes – Mr Stride said: ‘What I know is that there are hundreds of Conservative candidates up and down the country pounding pavements…’

Pressed that Mr Baker was not pounding pavements, Mr Stride replied: ‘I can’t comment on what Steve is doing or where he is… maybe he’s designing his literature or making telephone calls, I’ve no idea.’ 

Mr Baker was among those rebuked for a ‘lack of co-operation’ in a leaked memo from CCHQ.

But in a defiant statement last night he told the Mirror: ‘The Prime Minister told everyone we could go on holiday and then called a snap election.

‘So I’ve chosen to do my campaign work in Greece.’

The Wycombe MP added: ‘I’ve been campaigning for months and my wife deserves to have her husband go away for a much needed break. It’s the only holiday we’ve got planned for the summer.’

Asked last night about the bumpy start to the campaign, the Prime Minister told ITV News: ‘Of course this is my responsibility, and I actually enjoyed the last few days.

‘A few days into this and I’ve been in the East Midlands and West Midlands, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland here in the South East.’

Asked why CCHQ was blaming MPs, Mr Sunak dodged the question: ‘What I’m doing is talking to people everywhere, about the choice of this election, and I was very clear that I’ve got a clear plan that I’m working through and you can see that that is happening with the economy.’

Ousted West Mids mayor Andy Street delivered another blow to Mr Sunak by announcing he will not seek to become an MP

Tory MP Lucy Allan quit the party last night in order to support a Reform UK candidate to replace her in her Telford constituency.

Ms Allan, who is standing down at the general election, endorsed Reform’s Alan Adams to succeed her in the Shropshire seat.

Following her public declaration of support for Mr Adams, the Conservatives took immediate action and suspended Ms Allan from the party.

Meanwhile, ousted West Mids mayor Andy Street delivered another blow to Mr Sunak by announcing he will not seek to become an MP.