‘I attempted 2024’s new fad meals development, andI’m by no means going again to regular cookies’

Supermarkets in 2024 are a horrifying place for a lot of people.

From ridiculously expensive products (virtually everything) to new items appearing on the shelves at an almost hourly rate – it’s difficult to know what to get and where to start. So to help you, I had the arduous task of trying some of this year’s newest and most unique food items with the hope of finding something that will become a permanent feature in my shopping trolley.

Full disclosure, yes these were all gifted to me – but the reviews are honest . . . as you’ll see with one particular item. And spoiler alert, there are two items that will definitely be a new regular in the Cailler household.

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FOODHAK – Ashwagandha chocolate chip cookies, Ashwagandha and coca granola, Seeded Omega and Millet crackers.

For those who have never heard of Foodhak before, the company brands its products ass the “future of food”. They have a very vast array of products, and even do meal plans – but it was the snack bundle that I got to try. I’ve split this into two, as I had clear favourites, but these three items and the three listed after this do all come as part of one £16.99 bundle on their website, or you can buy each item individually.

All three of these are winners, especially the cookies

I will be blunt – I am in love with the Ashwagandha chocolate chip cookies. For the unaware, Ashwagandha is one of the newest food trends, stemming from the Middle Eat and Africa. It literally translates to “smelling like a horse,” but the ground-up evergreen shrub it absolutely does not taste like it.

The cookies I tried contain a healthy dose of the ingredient, and give it this unique almost earthy taste that is genuinely not like anything I’ve ever eaten – and I’ve eaten a lot of things. The granola was also extremely unique, and gave acts almost like salted with the chocolate.

I would absolutely recommend both of these two items, and the seeded Omega and Millet crackers were also pretty good, and I found myself returning to the packets for a cheeky snack late at night.

FOODHAK – Popped Lotus Seed with various toppings

The second half of the snack pack was the unique popped lotus seed packs, in three flavours – salted Ashwagandha, Minty Moringa and Chillimon Ginseng. The minty one was a straight no for me – but that’s purely personal choice as I’m not a mint fan in any way shape or form.

The salted version is addictive

However, the other two were definitely unique. The texture of the lotus seed was different, and I’d compare it to actual popcorn, just slightly less crunchy. The chilli flavour was SPICY, but once you get past the heat, you’re left with a gentle warmth and a subtle ginseng flavour that was very pleasant.

The salted one is addictive . . . unbelievably addictive, and before I knew it, I’d eaten most of the 25g pack in one sitting. They’re definitely worth a try, if you’re bored of the usual snacks you get every week.

CARTWRIGHT AND BUTLER – Cranberry & Rolled Oat Crumbles, Seat Salted Caramel Biscuits, Milk Chocolate Chunk Biscuits.

There’s an internet meme that started earlier this year that adequately describes these three beautiful tins of epicness – “maaaaaaaaaate”. You know what you get with C&B, and they have delivered once again with some truly outstanding, addictive and indulgent biscuits.


I have not a single bad word to say about them, and the tins they come in are worth the various prices alone. Get them and thank me later.

THE TURMERIC CO – Raw Turmeric and Ginger, Immunity Support.

I have never been a “ginger shot in the morning, bro” kind of guy, but I decided to go fully into that life with these. They really do wake you up in the morning, with some powerful hits of flavour. I am not against these at all, as both variants – once you get past the head-blowing initial impact – are super tasty.

These are powerful, but in a good way

My favourite is the Raw Turmeric and Ginger shot. I do genuinely believe that these did give me a boost in the morning, which I was grateful for. Although their website is a little clickbaity, with its constant pop-ups and offers, if you’re into the healthy lifestyle, then these shots should be the ones you make into a regular morning pick-me-up.

They’re currently selling them at around £1.25 per shot online, as there’s a 50% off offer right now.

GILDIN – Glera Grape sparkling wine infused with Wha Gwan Melon Cherry Rum Tonic (8%)

I am not a big drinks – but my god, I could have drunk all 12 bottles of this. Imagine a Kopperberg Summerfruits, just without the alcoholic sharpness and much smoother flavour profile.

This is a seriously beautiful drink, and one that is dangerously easy to drink (I mean that in a good way). I don’t know whether it’s the sparkling wine or the rum, or the combination of both, but I’ve never had a drink quite like this and if it ever stops raining than sipping this while lying on a sunbed is the dream.

I don’t need to say much more . . . just get some and drink it all. I did also try this to cook with, and it does work well as part of an indulgent mushroom-filled pasta sauce – although I’m not sure that’s ever something the creators of it have ever tried!

BIZZI – Coffee + Collagen, Matcha + Collagen, Coffee + Collagen Vanilla and Turmeric

Look, not every product you buy or get to try is a winner, and sadly these fall into that category. I like coffee, I like cold brews – but I was not a fan of these.

Sorry Bizzi, these are not a winner

I even had five other people try them, and nobody else was a fan either. I’m not sure whether it’s the fact you’re adding a ton of stuff to coffee that shouldn’t really be there, or if the collagen gives it the strange flavour and aftertaste you’re left with, but either way . . . I can’t recommend these to anyone

The company only just launched into the UK, having been around in the US for a long time. I have heard good things about their standard cold brew range – and it’s something I would like to try. But sadly, for me and a group of others, these canned drinks are not going to be on our regular shopping list.

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