ANNUNZIATA REES-MOGG: It’s not too late for the Tories

Tory Right-wingers in the Popular Conservatism movement have issued a plan for policies they want included in Rishi Sunak‘s election manifesto. Here, their communications chief explains their reasoning.

If the Tories are serious about winning seats and fighting for Conservative values, it’s not too late to avoid oblivion.

Bold actions based on core Conservative principles – small government, low tax, security and personal freedom – can still win votes.

A poll in last week’s Daily Mail suggested that those people most likely not to vote on July 4 are traditional Tory voters.

They are disillusioned by the remarkable lack of Conservative principles promoted by a party in power for 14 years.

Annunziata Rees-Mogg speaking at the Lincolnshire Showground in 2019

A poll in last week’s Daily Mail suggested that those people most likely not to vote on July 4 are traditional Tory voters

These voters yearn for a reason to vote Conservative. The Tory manifesto is a chance to grasp the nettle of unaccountable, undemocratic bodies stymying the will of British people. There must be policies that demonstrate how the Conservatives will return power to where it belongs: with the electorate.

We must be able to remove illegal immigrants or send them to Rwanda – rather than be prevented by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and by our own Human Rights Act. 

The Tory manifesto must pledge to leave the ECHR and repeal that Act.

Also, it must promise to reform the Bank of England, which has repeatedly acted too late to cut interest rates, exacerbating the cost-of-living crisis and hampering economic growth.

The Office for Budget Responsibility should be abolished, returning control of the Budget to an elected Chancellor, who, in turn, can deliver big tax cuts.

These can be achieved by cutting stamp duty, raising income tax bands thereby taking the lowest paid out of taxation, scrapping inheritance tax and reducing corporate tax rates and VAT.

The manifesto must promise to scrap 2050 Net Zero, to ensure we can build more homes, reduce taxes and make business more competitive. Instead, by aggressively striving to reduce emissions, we are making Britain and our people poorer, while having no impact on global temperatures.

Elsewhere, laws that were meant to protect and promote fairness have achieved the opposite. The 2010 Equality Act has permeated every area of life – with taxpayers forced to fund unproductive, divisive, woke, anti-capitalist dogma.

Annunziata Rees-Mogg writes: ‘These voters yearn for a reason to vote Conservative’

Rishi Sunak hands out ice creams at Burrs Country Park on May 31

Mr Sunak speaks next to the campaign bus in Redcar on June 1

Reform of the Civil Service is vital. Countless government policies are sabotaged by Whitehall staff. The ‘Yes, Minister’ stereotype has never been truer, with civil servants doing a disservice to our nation and to democracy.

Our once vibrant and free nation has been tied in knots by a remote, undemocratic quangocracy. Hundreds of bodies that don’t reflect British values are strangling businesses, killing competition and helping to stagnate our economy.

By offering an over-arching return to core principles, we can demonstrate that once more we are a Conservative Party worthy of people’s votes.