It’s a transparent alternative: The Conservatives or open borders underneath Labour

We get it. Migration has been too high. That’s why we have taken bold action to get levels down.

People care about it because they see its impact in their daily lives. Their kids can’t get into the school they want. They can’t get the house their family needs. They can’t get an appointment at the local GP.

It’s a real issue and one that needs to be addressed in a fair and reasonable way. The Conservatives are the only party which truly believes that we need to bring it down. And we will.

Migration fell by 10 per cent last year and because of the bold action we have already taken – in the face of staunch opposition from Labour and the Lib Dems – we have cut the number of people who were eligible to come to the UK last year by 300,000.

We have to stick to the plan and continue to make the tough choices to see proper progress on this important issue. Pictured, Home Secretary James Cleverly

Migration fell by 10 per cent last year and because of the bold action we have already taken. (Pictured, an inflatable dinghy carrying around 65 migrants crosses the English Channel on March 06, 2024)

Our range of bold solutions, such as closing student dependent loopholes and ending abuse of the health and care visa, have meant we have a ‘fighting chance’ to get numbers down. Not my words, the words of Professor Brian Bell, the Government’s chief migration adviser.

However, we have to stick to the plan and continue to make the tough choices to see proper progress on this important issue.

That is why we will introduce an annual legal cap on the number of visas that are granted on key routes and give Parliament an annual vote on this level so voters can have confidence that numbers will be controlled. We will commission an independent expert committee to recommend the annual level to government, taking into account both the costs and benefits of migration and the needs of British businesses and the NHS. At the same time, we will ensure employers are not abusing the system and using migrant workers to undercut British wages.

Reform talks tough on this issue, but its plans are unworkable. And a vote for Reform is a vote for Labour. New Reform UK leader Nigel Farage 

As clear as night follows day, migration would go up under Labour. The party would scrap the Rwanda plan. Pictured, Labour leader Keir Starmer

Reform talks tough on this issue, but its plans are unworkable. And a vote for Reform is a vote for Labour. If Reform gifts Sir Keir Starmer the keys to No 10, people smugglers and those looking to game our generous system will prick up their ears the world over. Labour has no plan and would make this country a global magnet for migration. Do you really believe a Labour Party led by a man who once described all immigration laws as ‘racist’ and campaigned for free movement and a second Brexit referendum can make the tough choices necessary to bring this down?

As clear as night follows day, migration would go up under Labour. The party would scrap the Rwanda plan and hundreds of thousands more people would come to this country whichever way they can.

Britain is an incredibly hospitable place. Don’t let Labour tell you otherwise. But migration, both legal and illegal, is clearly too high. There is a clear choice on offer at this election. A Conservative PM who will cap immigration and bring down the numbers, or a Labour government that has no plan for immigration and will have an illegal immigration amnesty.

And a vote for anyone but the Conservatives is a vote for Starmer, open borders and higher immigration.