‘ITV debate gave the general public likelihood to listen to extra of the numbing similar from Sunak’

Any debate on the winner?

The first of two head-to-head TV debates between Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak last night was a clash almost certainly destined to end with the Labour leader installed as Prime Minister.

Watching the pair side by side gave voters an opportunity to see and hear the change championed by Starmer versus more of the numbing same from a Sunak trailing well behind in the polls.

Every viewer will make up his or her mind and social media clips produced by media organisations such as the Mirror, as well as the political parties, will widen the audience.

Starmer and Labour offer real hope, the change Britain needs and deserves. Sunak and the Conservatives have a dismal 14-year record they cannot credibly defend.

Nation’s finest

D-Day veterans are among the best of us, defenders of our country and liberators of Europe as survivors of one of the largest seaborne landings in history.

The dignity of this dwindling band of ageing heroes heading to France for the 80th commemoration of Operation Overlord brought tears and cheers from well-wishers desperate to shake hands with our finest.

We owe them all, including their comrades who never made it off the beaches or were taken by the passing of time, an immense debt of gratitude for fighting and dying so that we may live free.

D-Day marked the beginning of the end of the Second World War and it is our duty to never forget the horrors they faced and overcame when each year their ranks are thinned.

Keep it safe

Nigel Farage’s divisive politics weren’t to everybody’s taste in Clacton but in this General Election no candidate should be drenched in a milkshake.

When two MPs, one Labour and one Conservative, were assassinated in the past eight years, the security of all contenders must be protected or democracy will be a victim.

Conservative PartyKeir StarmerLabour PartyNigel FarageOperation OverlordPoliticsTV debatesWorld War 2