‘Rishi Sunak sinks to new low in debate with false £2,000 Labour tax hike declare’

Unable to defend their record, it was inevitable the Conservatives would fight a dirty and deceitful election campaign.

But Rishi Sunak sank to a new low in the ITV debate with his inaccurate claim that Labour would hike people’s taxes by £2,000.

The Prime Minister told millions of viewers these figures were the result of “independent” Treasury analysis. The calculations were partly based on questionable assumptions provided by Conservative ­apparatchiks.

They were neither wholly independent nor wholly the work of the Civil Service.

If Mr Sunak is prepared to play so fast and loose on this issue, people are entitled to ask whether he is being straight on anything else.

He has shown disdain for voters and further undermined trust in politics. These acts alone make him unworthy of office.

The reality he will not admit is that under this Government the tax burden is at its highest since the Second World War and it will rise even higher if the Tories are re-elected.

Our bravest

Exactly 80 years ago today, hope returned to Europe.

The allied invasion forces that landed on the Normandy beaches risked their lives for the cause of freedom. Many never came home.

As we remember their sacrifice and salute their bravery we should never forget what they fought for: the promise of peace, democracy and friendship among nations.

Among those returning to France yesterday to mark the D-Day anniversary was 100-year-old Bernard Morgan. On the voyage he learned he had become a great-grandfather again.

His great-grandson is part of a new ­generation which will owe an eternal debt of gratitude to a great generation.

All hail Gail

After 50 years as the cobbles’ Gail Platt, Helen Worth is saying farewell.

After losing four Corrie husbands, bringing up three children and weathering an explosive affair she’s due a rest.

Conservative PartyCoronation StreetHelen WorthITVPoliticsPublic servicesSoap operasThe TreasuryWorld War 2