Reform candidate saves Gavin Williamson’s pores and skin by quitting General Election race

A Reform UK candidate has saved ex-Minister Gavin Williamson’s skin by quitting the election race at the last minute and joining the Tories.

The former Defence Secretary denied accusations of “dirty tricks” after the last-minute defection. Party leader Nigel Farage repeatedly pledged not to stand any candidates down to help the Tories. In messages seen by the Mirror, Tom Wellings, Reform’s candidate in Stone, Great Wryly and Penkridge, Staffordshire, told supporters “I understand many of you were looking forward to having a Reform UK candidate… However after careful consideration and extensive analysis of recent local polling data I have made the decision to withdraw my candidacy.” Mr Wellings said he was concerned his candidacy risked splitting the vote in the seat, handing victory to Labour.

“I care deeply about the future of Staffordshire,” he wrote. “Therefore I have decided to support Conservative candidate Gavin Williamson who has considerable experience in government. I am confident Gavin is well positioned to effectively challenge a leftwing Labour government.”

Furious party chairman Richard Tice accused the Tories of “dirty tricks”. He said: “Wellings put his papers in on Wednesday then in the last hour without telling us withdrew them. I am challenging Gavin Williamson to say whether money, jobs or a safe seat was offered to Wellings to do this.

He added: “One of our candidates in the same region was offered a safe council seat and two jobs to stand down. He sensibly rejected the offers and told us what was going on.” Mr Williamson denied the claims, saying it is “certainly not the case.” A Tory spokesperson described Mr Tice’s claims as “utter rubbish”.

Conservative PartyGeneral ElectionNigel FaragePolitics