Pub-goer tries to go to each Wetherspoons in metropolis – however will get too drunk

A man has visited nearly every Wetherspoon pub in Edinburgh to discover which one reigns supreme.

Reddit user Top_Juice7860 embarked on a solo pub crawl across the Scottish capital, determined to find out which of the discount pubs was the best. The beer enthusiast managed to visit six branches of the well-known chain in a single day.

The man enjoyed a pint in The White Lady, Caley Picture House, The Alexander Graham Bell, The Standing Order, The Booking Office and The Playfair.

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Click here for the latest news and updates on Wetherspoons.

However, fellow pub-goers noticed one pub was missing from the route. Top_Juice7860 confessed he’d had more than his fair share of tipples and couldn’t find the final stop, Foot of the Walk.

He responded: “I was already 7 pints down and tried walking to Foot Of The Walk after Playfair and got completely lost. Next time I will go Foot Of The Walk and also that one in Musslebrugh.”

However, some people said his makeshift pub crawl was adequate without the seventh pub. “You can totally skip that one,” one Wetherspoon enthusiast said. Another heaped praise on the pub crawler, writing: “Fantastic! You’ve made me jealous and made me miss living in Edinburgh!”

The Caley Picture House is just one of the many ‘Spoons in Edinburgh (file)
(Image: Latchford family / SWNS)

Top_Juice7860 revealed his favourite joint was either The White Lady or The Alexander Graham Bell. Others said all of the pubs appeared to have ‘nice-looking pints’.

There are eight Wetherspoon watering holes across Edinburgh, with The Sir Walter Scott at Edinburgh Airport also not making it into the Reddit user’s boozy route. Meanwhile, nearby Musselburgh is home to just one branch, The David MacBeth Moir.

Livingstone in West Lothian also has just one ‘Spoons, the The NewYearField. Edinburgh and the Lothians boast plenty of other pubs, and Auld Reekie is one of the UK’s top holiday destinations.

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