- Mr Seesahai was brutally hacked to death in a Wolverhampton park in November
The neighbour of a 12-year-old boy who murdered teenager Shawn Seesahai with a 16-inch machete put up barbed wire to keep him off his property, it emerged last night.
Locals living near the Wolverhampton park where the 19-year-old was stabbed to death in a brutal killing told of how one of the tearaways was a ‘nasty piece of work’.
One neighbour put up a spiked wire perimeter, metal bars, and a sign warning of 24 hour CCTV in an attempt to barricade his home and keep the ‘scum’ out.
The killer, who cannot be named for legal reasons, would ride across the playing fields on his mountain bike and hang around deep into the night outside shops and alleyways where he would cut the wires on lampposts
Residents described him as a ‘nasty piece of work’ and accused him of posting fireworks through letterboxes, damaging streetlights and stealing scooters in a reign of terror that plagued the neighbourhood.
The boy and another 12-year-old child were both found guilty of murder at Nottingham Crown Court on Monday and are thought to have become the youngest knife murderers in the UK.

Yesterday, police issued a haunting photo of one of the 12-year-old killers posing with a 16-inch machete tucked into his trousers
Shawn Seesahai, 19, was brutally hacked to death by two 12-year-old boys in a Wolverhampton park in November 2023
Forensics and police officers stand behind a cordon near a blue tent close to the murder scene
Speaking to The Telegraph, one man said: ‘You could see he was carrying a knife. I told the police he was carrying and I told the social services he was carrying a knife.
‘He was out every night of the week. He was in gangs. Gang members would be in that alley waiting for him.
‘I don’t want him breaking into my house when I’m out. I barbed-wired it all. I screened the window.
‘His friend was always with him. They were always together, pinching, night after night. Scum, that’s all he was.’
He told The Times he ‘was out pinching every night of the week’.
He said: ‘I was sick of it. The police were bringing him back every night of the week. They’d wake me up, banging my door.
‘The police did two raids, the neighbours told me. They arrested him and social services were always here. The police smashed my gate off when they were coming to get him.’
It comes as former police officers pile on the pressure for two boys to be named to stop other youngsters picking up knives, reported The Sun.
Former Met officer Peter Bleksley said: ‘We don’t have enough deterrents these days, which is why criminals roam the streets without fear. Naming and shaming sometimes works.’
While former Met Commander Dai Davies said unmasking them ‘could act as a deterrent for other youngsters’.
An image retrieved from a phone of one of the boys showing long knives and swords on a bed
A machete pictured under the bed of one of the attackers. Family members of both the victim and the defendants cried and hugged each other in the public gallery as the jurors found both boys guilty of murder and one guilty of possessing a bladed article
CCTV footage revealed the last moments of Shawn Seesahai as he headed to the park
Mr Seesahai can be seen leaving Handsworth, an inner-city area of Birmingham, with two friends at around 5.30pm, getting onto a tram at Winson Green station
At 6.34pm, Mr Seesahai and one friend then leave the park to go to a local petrol station
The Snapchat messages the two killers sent to each other after they killed Suresh Seesahai
‘Secondly it would expose the feral kids that they are,’ he said.
Yesterday, police issued a haunting photo of one of the 12-year-old killers posing with a 16-inch machete tucked into his trousers on the day he hacked Mr Seesahai to death.
The masked boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is seen wearing a grey hooded jumper with the black handle of the blade within touching distance of his chin.
The killer menacingly peers down and tucks both of his hands into the waistband of his grey jogging bottoms in the terrifying snap.
Mr Seesahai, who came to the UK for eye surgery after suffering a basketball injury, was ruthlessly attacked by the boy and another 12-year-old at a park in Wolverhampton last November.
He was originally from Caribbean island Anguilla but was staying in Birmingham while recovering from cataract surgery.
He was described by his parents as a hard worker, who ‘loved’ to help his mother with chores, worked for his father at the weekend and always told them that one day he would ‘shine’ and take care of them.
After the boys were found guilty of murder on Monday, chilling Snapchat messages between the pair came to light, including one where a killer appears to shrug off the tragedy by declaring: ‘It is what it is.’
In the group call log, recovered by police, the youngsters are told that ‘everyone’ is talking about the murder the previous night.
‘Someone got stabbed, everyone talking abt (sic) it, literally everyone, everyone knows.’
One of the pair responds with a voice note.
‘It is what it is,’ he chillingly says.
A friend comments ‘I’m scared man’ before one of the defendants coolly replied: ‘I’m not’, then adds: ‘Idrc’, slang for I don’t really care.
The last moments of Mr Seesahai were captured on CCTV footage which shows the machete attack victim walking to a park minutes before being murdered by Britain’s youngest knife killers.
The boys – who were allowed to play with fidget-spinner toys while giving evidence – are expected to be sentenced next month.
The month-long trial at Nottingham Crown Court was told Mr Seesahai was shoulder-barged by the smaller of the two defendants, who ‘often’ carried a machete with a 16-inch blade, before being punched, kicked, stamped on and ‘chopped’ at with the weapon.
The court heard that they attacked the victim with such force that in one blow the machete almost passed through his body.
Mr Seesahai was pronounced dead at 9.11pm on November 13 last year after police were called to the scene at 8.37pm.
The stabbing victim’s father Suresh told Sky News earlier that parents need to ‘pay attention’ to stop more senseless murders, adding that ‘kids are dangerous now’.
He said: ‘He was always with me, from the time he was born and growing up. When he’d have been around 16 he started to work with me. Whatsoever he knew that I’d need help [with] he’d always be there for me.’
Mr Seesahai’s mother Manashwary added: ‘He’s always there for us, a very protected child. He helped his father [at work] with all the tools, he helped me [at] home with the chores, he loved to do that.’