British Army veteran visits haunted jail and captures picture of ‘useless prisoner’

A British Army veteran turned paranormal hunter has captured an image of “a dead prisoner’s ghost” in “Scotland’s most haunted jail” – and the spirit used a very modern way to communicate.

Kyle Thompson, from South Yorkshire, is part of the collective “The Other Side” who visit apparently haunted location in the search for spirits. And that, he says, is exactly what he found when he and his crew went to Jedburgh Castle Jail in south east Scotland.

They live-streamed their visit on Facebook and a follower pointed out a shady black figure beside an old door in the prison. “We ask fans to take screen shots during our live streams and we managed to capture a black shadow possibly a prisoner inside one of the cell blocks,” Kyle told the Daily Star.

READ MORE: ‘I snapped picture at haunted jail but didn’t spot spooky detail until I got home’

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He went on: “The image of the hooded prisoner’s ghost was captured by one of our followers. When our investigation was over she sent me the photograph and I was in shock.

One of the group performs a ritual before the paranormal search
(Image: Kyle Thompson/The Other Side)

“How could we have not seen this dark and mysterious hooded figure stood there watching us from the corner of the cell block!? It still creeps me out just looking at it.”

He said he and his pals, David Barrett along with Jason and Matthew Unsworth, believed the ghost belonged to a prisoner called Raymond.

Kyle is in the collective with David Barrett, along with Jason and Matthew Unsworth
(Image: Kyle Thompson/The Other Side)

“We believe that the prisoner’s ghost belonged to a negative spirit by the name of Raymond, who communicated with us via numerous devices during our investigation,” Kyle said.

Raymond used a phone application to communicate with the group, he added.

“Raymond used the spirit talker application,” Kyle explained. “Spirit Talker works in a similar way to the world famous Ovilus device, it produces words and speech based on what the sensors in your phone are detecting.”

Jedburgh Castle was fought over during the Wars of Scottish Independence
(Image: Getty Images)

The Ovilus is a device for communicating with ghosts. The theory is spirits can manipulate the EMF around the device to select words from its built-in word database.

Kyle went on: “The theory behind this app is that spirits might be able to manipulate the device to say and show relevant words and responses to questions being asked during a paranormal investigation.

“Then we also run a spirit box application that generates random radio frequencies that spirits are said to be able to manipulate in order to speak to us. And he came through on that device numerous times too.”

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