‘I made fortune promoting medication for England video games – my pockets had been stuffed with coke’

A former drug dealer who served alongside Britain’s most evil women before Kate Middleton changed her life says she used to make a killing when England played in major tournaments.

Francesca Fattore, from Reading, was a teenager when she started experimenting with cannabis and ecstasy – before this progressed to heroin and crack.

The addiction took over her life and resulted in her becoming a drug dealer because it meant she could get her own supply for free while also making cash.

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Euro 2024 is taking place in Germany and England’s first match is against Serbia on Sunday June 16
(Image: Getty Images)

And in an exclusive interview with the Daily Star, she revealed how dealers like her would relish bumping up their earnings during popular events like Euro 2024.

Fran told us: “God, it was always good when the sun came out or the football was on because everyone would get drunk and want to sniff cocaine. So would you sell more than you normally did.

“Someone you serve would also buy it for their mates who you may not know and so on. More people would be out when the football was on so pubs would be packed. Over a weekend (you could make) £500 to £2,000 more than normal if you were selling in small bits.”

But as for how she actually went about flogging more powder during England matches, she added: “I would always make sure I had plenty in case I was busy.

“So you would just make sure you reloaded before. For me I would always know someone so they would just naturally call me but it’s different now because they send menus – so they send a list of drugs they have and prices, it is crazy.

Fran has since changed her life around and helps other inmates to reintegrate into society
(Image: Francesca Fattore)

“But I’m guessing they just have their dealer on speed dial and some dealers would just be in the pub too. When I was younger and had no fear, I would just sit in the pub with lots on me. It was the best time to sell when people were drunk. Football fans love to get drunk and cocaine brings you back to a level head but with a buzz.”

In a study last year, Dr Richard Purves of the University of Stirling found footie fans combining alcohol and cocaine created a ‘perfect mix’ for supporters to be more aggressive.

Fran meanwhile was hauled to court aged 31 for selling drugs before being arrested again on drug offences six years later.

This landed her a prison sentence of three years and eight months, where she stayed on the same enhanced wing at HMP Bronzefield with the likes of monster mum Mairead Philpott.

Life got better for Fran after Princess Kate Middleton visited her when she was in HMP Send in Surrey as a reward for completing a 12-week rehab programme.

Fran used to sell cocaine after getting hooked on drugs from a young age
(Image: Getty Images)

The moment Fran sat down to speak with Princess Kate
(Image: Getty Images)

She spoke to the Mirror about how “genuine and sincere” Kate was and the 44-year-old is now a free woman who dedicates her time to helping former prisoners reintegrate into society.

She is sober and runs her own YouTube channel where she invites other ex-inmates to share their stories to give hope to other women.

Her organisation is called UkExFemalePrisoner which aims to be a safe space for former female criminals who they want to create opportunities for.

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