Russian nuclear sub noticed off UK coast as Putin points ‘punishment’ menace

A Russian nuclear submarine has been caught lurking off the British coast, triggering a top-level security scramble.

The alarming discovery comes hot on the heels of President Vladimir Putin’s chilling vow to “punish” the West for its hefty £40 billion loan to Ukraine and supplying long-range missiles by seizing frozen Russian assets. The state-of-the-art Yasen-class sub, Kazan, was picked up by an eagle-eyed RAF Poseidon P8 using sonar buoys designed to track underwater movements on June 5.

The sneaky sub was shadowed by RAF maritime patrol as it slinked past Ireland’s west coast towards Scotland, edging worryingly close to Faslane, home to the UK’s Trident nuclear subs. NATO chiefs are biting their nails over the hefty 13,800-tonne beast possibly sniffing around for soft spots in the alliance’s defences.

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The hefty 13,800-tonne beast had NATO chiefs biting their nails
(Image: Oleg Kuleshov/east2west news)

After pinpointing the sneaky sub’s location, intel was shot over to the Permanent Joint Headquarters in Northwood post-haste. Both the Prime Minister and the Defence Secretary were brought up to speed on the situation.

It’s believed that the Kazan’s sneaky mission included a jaunt to Venezuela before pulling into Guyana, a Commonwealth country, reports the Mirror.

The Express reports that the recent deployment of the Royal Navy’s HMS Trent is seen as a solid stance against the escalating border tension fueled by Russia-backed Venezuela. Meanwhile, Putin has been fuming over Ukraine receiving American Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) rockets and a juicy loan deal.

The PM and Defence Secretary were both brought up to speed
(Image: Oleg Kuleshov/east2west news)

Julianne Smith, US ambassador to NATO, hinted last week that the rules preventing ATACMS from hitting the Russian mainland might be up for review when she remarked, “We will continue to assess and adapt to Ukraine’s ever-evolving needs.”

And just this Friday, the G7 bigwigs committed to a hefty £40billion loan, backed by wads of moolah from frozen Russian assets in Western pockets.

A whopping £240billion of Russias central bank assets got the freeze treatment with Western sanctions, a move sparked by Russia’s 2022 foray into Ukraine. Word on the street is that the deal was clinched to keep Ukraine flush with cash should US Congress hit the brakes on aid during another Trumpian twist at the White House.

It comes amid Putin’s ‘punishment’ threats for the West
(Image: POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Adding to the drama, US Prez Joe Biden has slapped down his John Hancock on a decade-long security promise with Ukraine’s head honcho, Volodymyr Zelelsky.

Meanwhile, a Moscow military boffin has made the chilling claim that Putin’s nation could obliterate the UK in just 24 hours with an “Operation Unthinkable”. Dr Yuri Baranchik has given a grim rundown of how Britain’s nuclear arsenal could be toast.

He chillingly pointed out: “Its [Britain’s] entire nuclear potential, since 1998, has been a group of four Vanguard-class SSBNs [nuclear power submarines carrying atomic missiles] based in Faslane, Scotland.”

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MilitaryMissilesMoneyRoyal NavyrussiaVladimir Putin