Ancient Scottish settlement was constructed to ‘defend towards aliens,’ claims knowledgeable

Scotland’s ancient stone circles were designed to ward off extraterrestrial invasions, according to the claims of one expert.

Experts suggest sites like the Skara Brae settlement and Maeshowe, an old cairn on Mainland Orkney, came about as a response to possible alien landings.

Ron Halliday, a paranormal investigator who arranges the Scottish UFO and Paranormal Conference which took place this past Saturday, believes ancient Picts’ sketches on stones could provide insights. Mr Halliday told Scottish Sun: “There are Scottish objects and sites that could be related to ancient aliens.”

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He continued: “There are some Pictish stones with pictures of folk kind of fleeing away from things. I thought maybe this kind of thing represents an attack from the sky.

Experts suggest sites came about as a response to possible alien landings
(Image: Getty Images/imageBROKER RF)

“There are questions about whether Skara Brae or Maeshowe on Orkney were intended as protection from nuclear war and an ancient battle with aliens.”

Mr Halliday, a paranormal investigator for the past three decades, suggests that the truth has been concealed. He added: “These structures could represent something entirely different from what some archaeologists make out they are.”

He declared: “In my mind, the background to some of these ancient structures has never been satisfactorily explained.”

Mr Halliday, a paranormal investigator for the past three decades, suggests that the truth has been concealed
(Image: Getty Images)

He also speculated that brochs – stone towers – might have connections to alien invaders and thinks the enigmas surrounding their beginnings are similar to the construction of the pyramids.

He suggested: “These could be signals to aliens to attract their attention or to recognise that we knew there were aliens out there and that we had been visited by them.

“There’s piles of speculation about it, so here’s another possible explanation. These things may have been built to signify, to attract or defend or protect.

“There’s a whole lot of stuff that we will be covering at the conference that will be challenging. It will be interesting and stimulating for folk.”

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