Brit girl ‘swapped souls with alien’ amid near-death hospital expertise

A Brit woman claims she ‘swapped souls with an alien’ during a near-death experience in hospital as a child.

Business consultant Kelly Tyler, 42, from Surbiton, London, claims she is a ‘starseed’ – souls who have lived previous, usually extraterrestrial, lives, and reincarnate in human form.

She described on This Morning that the soul swap happened when she was extremely ill with the whooping cough as an eight-year-old.

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“I lost all my weight, doctors said ‘she is not going to make it’, and at that time, myself and this being exchanged souls, this is what’s called a walk-in,” she said.

Kelly described on This Morning that the soul swap happened when she was extremely ill
(Image: Getty Images)

“That is what happened, and now I am a starseed, but I wasn’t born one, like typically most people are.”

Kelly said that there are ‘too many stigmas attached to the word’ alien, so she prefers to call her soul a starseed.

Kelly added: “There is a fear against aliens and typically starseeds are here to help humanity. When we reincarnate as humans we are here to remember what it is like to be human, connect to their natural senses rather than distract.

“Our role is not to make you look outside of humanity, it’s to help you connect back to who you really were, with nature, with animals and with ourselves.’

“Most starseeds incarnate at birth, so their soul is born as a starseed, but when I was a child I wasn’t born as a starseed.”

Kelly said that there are ‘too many stigmas attached to the word’ alien
(Image: Ken McKay/ITV/REX/Shutterstock)

Kelly explained to Ben Shephard and Cat Deeley that her soul has gone to Arcturus, the brightest star in the northern constellation.

She said she discovered where she was from by ‘astral travelling’ – an intentional out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of a subtle body, through which consciousness can function separately from the physical body.

“I look back at my life, it’s like looking at my life in photos. I don’t have an emotional connection of being there, I have no emotional memory of being pre eight years old,” she said.

Kelly said she can visit other planets and is connected to earth with a ‘purple umbilical cord.’

She added: “I was told to stop coming back here [another planet] because your duty is on earth, stop distracting and coming back when your mission is here.”

Kelly added that she sleeps with the curtains open to see the stars, which she calls ‘my real home.’

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