Then-President Donald Trump unloaded on “that f**ker” Joe Biden and bombastically predicted he’d beat his 2020 rival in a “f**king landslide” in his last ever conversation with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases revealed in his upcoming memoir.
Trump called Fauci from Air Force One on Nov. 1, 2020 — just two days before the election — in “what turned out to be” their final exchange, Fauci wrote in “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service” to be released next week.
The Daily Beast and The New York Times shared excerpts from the book.
Trump reportedly boasted to Fauci: “I am going to win this election by a fucking landslide. Just wait and see. I always did things my way. And I always win, no matter what all these other fucking people think. And that fucker Biden. He is so fucking stupid. I am going to kick his fucking ass in this election.”
Trump lost the election, but continues to falsely claim it was stolen from him.
Fauci served as chief medical adviser to the Biden White House until his retirement in 2022.