Meghan Markle is ‘deluded’ and ‘irritated’ at Victoria Beckham, new guide claims

Meghan Markle is “deluded” and was “irritated” at Victoria Beckham’s wealth, a new book has claimed.

The explosive new biography about the Beckhams also claimed that the Duchess thought she had a higher social ranking than the Spice Girl. While the explosive biography, The House of Beckham, focuses on Posh and Beck’s alleged fractious relationship, it also contains tidbits on Meghan and Harry as the complicated relationship between the two power couples are explored.

Author, celebrity biographer Tom Bower, claims that Meaghan initially “put on airs” around the former pop star, because she felt she had little in common with the mum of four, and for her position within the Royal Family.

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The new book explores the fraught friendship between the Beckhams and the Sussexes
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

Bower wrote: “In Meghan’s celebrity world, ranking depended on wealth and fame. “As a seasoned operator, Meghan deluded herself that her status in the Royal Family placed her above Victoria in the social pecking order.

“She was irritated to discover that the Beckhams had considerably more wealth than herself. They owned five homes, had constant access to private jets, invitations to sail on yachts and much more money. And she was soon to be a duchess.”

However, due to the Beckham’s long-standing friendship with Prince Harry and William, the couple pursued an effort with Meghan.

Bower also details how Meghan stayed at the Beckham’s Beverley Hills pad on a private trip to LA, writing: “Her excuse was to avoid the paparazzi. At no cost, all her needs were secretly provided for by the Beckhams’ staff.

“If there was a hint that Meghan was taking advantage of her new status, the Beckhams pushed their gripes aside.”

It’s claimed Meghan was ‘irritated’ that Posh had more money than her
(Image: Anadolu via Getty Images)

Victoria and Meghan’s friendship nosedived after a story about how Victoria had given the ex-actress make-up advice hit the tabloids. Harry “was ordered to complain to David Beckham” as Meghan became suspicious with Posh as the story source.

It’s also claimed that the almost-Duchess asked Victoria if she could get free clothes and handbags, however the Palace put a stop to this, as it was “against their rules”, and that the Beckham’s continuing relationship with Prince William strained their friendship with the Sussexes.

In punitive behaviour, Meghan and Harry snubbed the Beckhams at their wedding dinner, Bower alleges. He claims the newlyweds chose to invite other big names, like George Clooney, over Posh and Becks, who Meghan actually didn’t know personally.

The Daily Star has reached out to Meghan’s team for a comment.

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David BeckhamMeghan MarklePrince HarryRoyal FamilyVictoria Beckham