Mark Wright tries gymnastics, soccer and pickleball in opposition to execs in new video

As the summer of sport kicks off, TV personality Mark Wright was put to the test in a series of sporting challenges including gymnastics, football and even pickleball, to see how he measured up against professional athletes.

First on the list, Olympic Champion Max Whitlock dared him to perform a routine on a pommel horse. Then, he donned his gloves for a penalty shootout against Lionesses Millie Turner and Toni Duggan, managing to block only one of their numerous shots.

He also had a go at pickleball – a hybrid sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis – under the guidance of rising star Thaddea Lock.

This comes after research revealed that the average adult will be spending 25 hours glued to the TV this summer as the sports season takes over.

Mark Wright, who is collaborating with Babybel, expressed, “I’ve always been passionate about sports and they’ve played a hugely important part in my life.”

“With such an exciting summer of sport ahead of us, I was buzzing to rise to the challenge set for me, to get out of my comfort zone, and test my skills against some proper pros.”

The study discovered that 37% of people will spend half of their free time indoors between June and August watching sport. A whopping 89% plan to do this at home, while 31% intend to enjoy it from the comfort of a pub.

73% believe taking part in community sports positively impacts your mental and physical health a great deal.
(Image: PinPep)

Euro 2024 is expected to attract 76% of viewers, with 69% supporting the Olympics, and 56% tuning in for Wimbledon. Despite the buzz, only a fifth of Brits plan to actually participate in sport this summer, with nearly half confessing they never engage in any sporting activity.

A surprising 23% can’t recall the last time they tried a new sporting hobby. However, almost a third would feel confident trying something new that was outside their comfort zone. Pickleball topped the list of sports those surveyed would like to try, followed by padel, squash, and golf.

The research also revealed that those who play a sport regularly engage in two activities, with football, athletics, and badminton being the most popular.

The study, conducted via OnePoll, found a whopping 73% believe participating in community sports greatly benefits mental and physical health. Furthermore, a staggering 82% feel such participation also positively impacts the wider community.

A spokesperson for Babybel, which is launching a grassroots competition to help people stay active and connect with others, said: “Stepping outside of your comfort zone can be a daunting prospect, but it can have huge benefits on our wellbeing.”

“Our research showed that lots of us will spend time enjoying watching sport this summer, but we want to encourage people to join the goodness and get actively involved.”


  1. Pickleball.
  2. Padel.
  3. Squash.
  4. Golf.
  5. Table Tennis.
  6. Badminton.
  7. American football.
  8. Basketball.
  9. Gymnastics.
  10. Skateboarding.
  11. Baseball.
  12. Netball.
  13. Rugby.
  14. Cricket.
  15. Hockey.
