A further five police officers are reportedly being probed by the Gambling Commission over allegedly betting on the date of the General Election.
A police officer in Rishi Sunak’s close protection team has already been identified as being under investigation over an alleged bet last week. He was arrested on suspicion of misconduct in public office and suspended from his role.
A total of six officers are now understood to be being probed, as well as four Tories, according to the Telegraph. The revelation came as the Met Police were forced to deny accusations it had leaked the identities of Tories to the press.
Scotland Yard was officially told the date of the General Election before it was announced by Rishi Sunak to give the police force enough time to ensure security provisions were in place for the start of the campaign, sources said. It is claimed the Gambling Commission handed the names of the Tory suspects to the Met police before their identities were made public.
In a statement, a Met spokesman said: “The allegations that the Met has leaked information are simply untrue.” They added: “The Met is not currently carrying out any other criminal investigations relating to alleged betting offences linked to the election. We continue to liaise with the Gambling Commission and are assessing information that they have provided.”
Five people linked to the Prime Minister have been told they are part of an investigation by the Gambling Commission over the weekend. They include Mr Sunak’s close protection officer, along with four Tories: The party’s chief data officer Nick Mason, the party’s campaign chief Tony Lee, his wife Tory candidate Laura Saunders and Tory candidate and parliamentary aide to the PM Craig Williams. Mr Williams has admitted he made a bet. Mr Mason and Mr Lee have both taken a leave of absence from Tory HQ but the two candidates have not been suspended.
Northern Ireland minister Steve Baker has plied pressure on Mr Sunak to take action. He said placing bets on the election date was “disreputable” and he would have suspended anyone who had done so. Speaking to ITV’s Peston on Monday evening, Mr Baker said: “I would call them up and ask them, ‘Did you do it?’ And if they did it, then they are suspended. But the Prime Minister would have to answer why he hasn’t done it, I haven’t got inside information on why the Prime Minister hasn’t done it.”
Former minister Tobias Ellwood earlier on Monday warned the row will “no doubt” lead to the party winning fewer votes and therefore fewer seats on July 4. Speaking on BBC Radio 4, Mr Ellwood said “in what world they thought this was acceptable is beyond belief” and urged Mr Sunak to suspend the Tories involved. He said the Gambling Commission probe is a “deeply unhelpful, self-inflicted distraction”.
Keir Starmer added: “This is weakness upon weakness, a total failure of leadership. A process only set up to delay answers until after the election.” The Labour leader said: “What we need is leadership from the Prime Minister, he should have suspended these candidates. I want to ensure that if we win the election, we return politics to service. I think we’ve had too much self entitlement. Nothing is better evidence of that than politicians whose first instinct when they know about the general election is not what can we do for the country but how can I make some money?”
A Gambling Commission spokesman said: “The Gambling Commission regulates gambling in the interests of consumers and the wider public. Currently the Commission is investigating the possibility of offences concerning the date of the election. This is an ongoing investigation, and the Commission cannot provide any further details at this time. We are not confirming or denying the identity of any individuals involved in this investigation.”