‘I’m practically 16 and I ought to be capable of vote within the election – I desire a voice’

“I will be one of the first 16-year-olds to vote if Labour wins the General Election.

“Giving the vote to people my age at least shows Labour care about the younger generation – something we’ve not had from the Tories. It sometimes feels like the Conservatives hate young people, which surprises me, as we are the country’s future.

“None of my friends have any real interest in politics, but I think giving us the vote would encourage teenagers to take more interest in current affairs. I know my mum thinks TikTok isn’t serious but the Labour Party and Conservatives have both made accounts, and their social media managers have started a war using memes, which I think is hilarious and a good way to interest young people.

“If we could influence anything, I know my friends and I would vote for the party that brought down the cost of accommodation, especially near universities. I can’t do a degree in the future if I can’t afford somewhere to live.

Jesse, aged 15-and-a-quarter, would welcome teenagers being given the vote at the age of 16

“But if I can’t go to university, I certainly don’t want to spend 16 months learning to march.

“The bizarre attempt by Rishi Sunak to introduce National Service left me gobsmacked – it feels like the Tories do not even want to win.

“I have one friend who wants to join the Army anyway, but the rest of us think they have better things to do with our time – like get jobs or study for qualifications that don’t leave us in debt for the rest of our lives.

“I suppose billionaire Rishi and I do have one thing in common – we both went to school in Winchester.

“However, while he went to Winchester College, where I see boys from their boarding houses go and play golf and tennis as after-school activities, my local state secondary school couldn’t even afford maths books six months into the academic year.

“Looking at the positives, my mum says doing National Service might teach me how to tidy my own room.

“But also, after 14 years of the Tories, I’ll never be able to afford my own flat and leave home.

“I’m not sure who’s more depressed about that – me or Mum.”

Give 16-year-olds the vote to save democracy

By Siobhan McNally

“‘Give me the child at 16 and I will show you the adult who votes,’ is what Aristotle would have said if he worked on behalf of the Electoral Reform Society.

“Young people who vote at 16 are more likely to vote in the future, says the Society. And with millions still unregistered to vote a week before the deadline on June 18, there has never been a more important time to lower the voting age.

Mum Siobhan thinks lowering the voting age to 16 is the best way to get younger generations invested in politics

“In Scotland and Wales, where 16- and 17-year-olds can vote in local elections, they turn out at much higher rates than 18- to 25-year-olds. Only 60% of 18- and 19-year-olds are registered to vote and 67% of 20-24-year-olds, compared to 96% of over-65s. We’ve already lost Gen Z, let’s not lose another generation of voters or democracy itself is at risk.

“The Tories argue that 16-year-olds are not mature enough to understand politics, but if they’re old enough to join the Army, buy vapes and get their face pierced, then they’re old enough to vote.

“Rishi Sunak’s proposed smoking ban was the only good idea to come out of parliament in the last 14 years, and now that’s gone up in a puff of smoke, along with the rest of the money that was recommended to help kids recover from Covid by the catch-up tzar.

“But Rishi can somehow find £2.5bn to send our disenfranchised youth off to the Brecon Beacons to learn shoe shining in a pitiful attempt to woo the Middle England’s blue vote, yet only third of the money that was desperately needed to help children catch up from Covid ever found its way to into schools and mental health services.

“Perhaps it’s fitting that the Rishi should want to bring back National Service – young people are just cannon fodder to the Conservative Party.

“But as far as I’m concerned, the kids have already done their National Service, by sitting in their bedrooms during the pandemic to keep the older generations safe from Covid.

“My daughter Jesse missed out on her final year of junior school, and had to start senior school from her bedroom. She has suffered from anxiety and struggled to return to the classroom, like thousands of other children. But there’s no money to help them after this inept and corrupt government wanged £4bn on unusable PPE that will end up in flames.

“But one thing’s for sure, as the kids say, when they get the vote, they will roast the Tories…”

Conservative PartyGeneral ElectionLabour Partymental healthPoliticsTeenagers