Tory minister Steve Baker hints at management bid as civil battle heats up

A Tory minister who refused to change his holiday plans after Rishi Sunak called a snap election has hinted he wants to be the next leader.

Steve Baker is understood to be lining up a bid for the top job if the Conservatives are thumped but he clings onto his seat. The party is braced for an ugly leadership battle if it suffers the thumping pollsters expect.

Quizzed about reports, he said: “One thing at a time. I want to represent the people of Wycombe the best that I can, as I always have done. Then let’s see what happens.”

It comes after he told HuffPost UK: “It’s a fact my colleagues sent for me four times to provide leadership through crisis to success: before and after the referendum, in Covid and in relation to the cost of Net Zero. I’m widely expected to lose my seat. We will see.”

He is defending a majority of just 4,214. It is understood that he will announce his intentions after polling day if he manages to hold on.

Mr Baker has been critical of Rishi Sunak during the campaign
POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Mr Baker has appeared increasingly disgruntled with the PM in recent weeks. Days after the election was called, he was accused of “giving up” after jetting off to Greece despite the General Election being called.

He told The Mirror in May: “The Prime Minister told everyone we could go on holiday and then called a snap election. So I’ve chosen to do my campaign work in Greece.” He has also distanced himself from Mr Sunak’s controversial National Service plan, which would force 18 year olds to do voluntary work or join the military.

He said it had been “sprung on” unsuspecting ministers without consultation amid fears it could inflame tensions in Northern Ireland. And he also criticised Mr Sunak over his slow response to the betting scandal.

Speaking before the PM finally suspended Craig Williams and Laura Saunders over allegations they’d placed bets on the General Election debate, Mr Baker said: “If they placed bets, it is disreputable. I would call them up and ask them ‘did you do it’. If they did it, they’d be suspended. But the Prime Minister will have to answer why he hasn’t done it. I haven’t got inside information on why the Prime Minister hasn’t done it.”

It comes after a warning that the skint Tory Party will tear through leaders in the next few years. Former top No10 aide Katie Perrior, who was director of communications under Theresa May, believes Rishi Sunak is unlikely to stick around.

And she said whoever steps up after a messy leadership contest will likely have both Labour and Nigel Farage to contend with in the Commons.

Ms Perrior told an audience in London: “I think it’s going to be quite some time and we’re going to plough through a couple of leaders before the Conservative Party sorts itself out with no money.” She said candidates had told her that support has withered away in this campaign while donations have dried up.

Conservative PartyGeneral ElectionPoliticsSteve Baker