Plot to cease Oliver Dowden taking up as caretaker Tory chief

Senior Tories have warned Oliver Dowden must not take over as caretaker leader if the Tories lose the election on Thursday.

The Deputy Prime Minister was a key voice pushing Rishi Sunak to call a snap poll rather than wait until the autumn.

But Mr Dowden has been almost totally absent in the five weeks since the July 4 election was announced.

A senior Tory source warned he must be sent into political exile if the party suffers a humiliating defeat. “He should be nowhere near the leadership of the party in future,” they said. “A useless DPM with terrible political judgment. He’s one of the reasons we are in this mess.”

In his role as Deputy PM, Mr Dowden has stepped in for Mr Sunak when he has been able to attend Prime Minister’s Questions.

Angela Rayner mocked him when they last met across the Despatch Box in April. “I read with interest that (Mr Dowden) has been urging his neighbour in No10 to call an election because he’s worried they might get wiped out,” the Labour Deputy Leader said. “Has he finally realised that when he stabbed Boris Johnson in the back to get his mate into No 10 he was ditching their biggest election winner for a pint-sized loser?”

Mr Dowden has a 22,980 strong majority in Hertsmere in Hertfordshire where he has been the MP since 2015, but he is facing a battle to hold on to the seat.

Despite being a senior Cabinet minister, Mr Dowden has hardly appeared on TV or radio during the campaign.

Boris JohnsonCabinetConservative PartyGeneral ElectionOliver DowdenPMQsPolitics