Jay Slater search branded ‘PR stunt’ by TikTok sleuth household begged to for assist

One of the TikTok sleuths the family of Jay Slater turned to to help find the missing Brit has slammed the entire investigation into it as a “PR stunt”.

The search for the 19-year-old was official called off yesterday nearly two weeks after he went missing. The Lancashire lad was reported missing in Tenerife on June 17 after he called his friend Lucy, telling her he was lost in a rural area of the island with only 1% battery left on his phone.

His last known location was half a mile north of Masca village. Despite ongoing efforts by emergency workers, including the Civil Guard, mountain rescue team and fire crews, the challenging terrain of the Rural de Teno park is proving difficult to search.

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The search for Jay Slater ended yesterday
(Image: Instagram)

It was revealed last week that TikTok-loving sleuths were flying out to help, with the most famous among them being Paul Arnott, 29. He had been in Tenerife already searching for Jay – unofficially and without Guardia Civil backing – with the family later turning to him for help.

However, just hours after the search was called off, Arnott raged over the state of it, and talked about the ongoings of Saturday when Guardia Civil called on volunteers to help with the search.

Paul Arnott labelled recent police search tactics as a PR stunt
(Image: Stan Kujawa)

Posting on TikTok, he said: “So, guys, I’ve literally been waiting for absolutely ages now. This is a massive PR thing, I’m telling you now. I’m gonna ask him in a second to take my name off the list. I’m just gonna go down there and do my thing. I’m gonna do that now, I think. Because there’s people everywhere. Literally people everywhere and nobody’s doing anything.

Guardia Civil called for volunteers, but hardly anyone showed up
(Image: PA)

“Yeah, there’s people everywhere. I’m just putting it how it is. Everyone is still in their cars. It’s all a big thing. It’s all chat, chat, chat, chat, chat. I’m putting it out there now. I’m sick of it. I’m so stressed out. I tell you what, I’m coming down here, I’m gonna go get some food cause my morning’s already been wasted.

“And then I’m gonna crack on a search for Jay in the area where I think he is. I can’t deal with this, guys. I’ve been so quiet about this now. I’ve been so quiet about this. Not doing it anymore, people. I’m sick of this c**p.”

Despite the search officially ending, the family and others are still out there looking for him.

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