‘Lettuce’ Liz Truss hopes to cling to her seat – however veg retains haunting her

Britain’s shortest-serving PM ‘Lettuce’ Liz Truss is hoping to hold on to her seat in South West Norfolk for the Conservatives.

Her constituency, a Tory stronghold for 60 years, was one of the safest in the country at the last election in 2019, but now polls suggest it could be far tighter.

Among those challenging her is independent candidate James Bagge, who was part of a group known as the “Turnip Taliban” which opposed her selection back in 2009.

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Former PM Liz Truss will find out if she is still an MP tomorrow
(Image: Getty Images)

He resigned from the Conservative Party over the row, but recently joked to the Daily Telegraph: “Turnips have proved to have deeper roots than lettuces.”

Mr Bagge said he feels strongly she’s “not the right person” for the constituency.

Former Tory cabinet minister Dominic Grieve backed his campaign.

The results of the seat is expected around 5.30am on Friday morning.

A recent poll by Portland Communications found she is the high-profile Conservative most voters would like to see lose their seat, at 28%.

She failed to outlast our lettuce
(Image: Daily Star)

This was ahead of Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg on 15%, followed by Jeremy Hunt on 10%.

Of course, it’s not the only time a vegetable has challenged her, after she was infamously outlasted by the Daily Star’s plucky lettuce in 2022.

She suggested as recently in April that only the “London elite” cares about her being beaten by the leafy salad staple, and branded the stunt as “pathetic”.

The Tory MP, who has a London home, was questioned about her downfall and “lasting less time than a lettuce”.

She said: “This is just pathetic, you know, point scoring.

Truss voted in the 2024 General Election earlier today

“This is the kind of thing that obsesses the kind of, what I describe as the ‘London elite’. It’s, ‘what do other people think of me, what’s Britain’s international standing’.”

She claimed the decision to livestream the race between the lettuce and her premiership, to see which would last longer, as “puerile”.

The former minister said she didn’t find it “funny”.

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