Putin’s propaganda machine delights at Tories’ ‘crushing defeat’

Commentators on Russian state media today were delighted after the Tories suffered a ‘crushing defeat’ in the General Election.

Vladimir Kornilov, an analyst at state news outlet Russia Today, spoke out against the Tories calling their support for Ukraine “Russophobic,” and “anti-Russia.”

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He rejoiced in particular at the defeat of Grant Shapps, the former defence secretary, saying: “This unbridled anti-Russia campaigner nearly burst into tears during the announcement of the election results.‌

“It turns out that Russophobia is not the decisive factor determining the choice of the British voter.”

He even said: “Well, now he will have more time for his beloved Ukraine.”

Grant Shapps lost his seat and was a supporter of Ukraine
(Image: Getty Images)

He did not speak openly in support of Reform campaigner Nigel Farage, who was accused many times during the campaign as being a stooge for Putin. However Kornilov did say: “[Farage] used his campaign masterfully, openly mocking his critics”.

He then tried to shift the blame for bloodshed in Ukraine onto the Tories, claiming they are somehow responsible for the war.

Pro-war fanatic Alexander Talipov, who runs Telegram channel Crimean Smersh, claimed the election defeat for the Tories came in part because of Rishi Sunak’s support for Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky.

“The British are not satisfied with salaries, medicine, prices, the quality of government services and support for Ukraine,” he said in a post.

Russian propagandists praised Nigel’s performance on his campaign
(Image: X)

Exit polls and surveys suggest that the war in Ukraine was not a major voting issue in the 2024 election at all. UK voters largely voted on wanting a change in government, economic issues, and NHS reform. In fact, if foreign affairs did matter in this election, it was the war in Gaza which took centre stage, with many far-left pro-Palestine candidates such as Jeremy Corbyn winning over more moderate politicians.

According to a YouGov poll, the most important issues in the UK at the moment are health, immigration, crime, and the environment.

That said, the pro-Russia propagandists still claim this was a victory for them, as the Tories were staunch supporters of the war in Ukraine. They do not believe, however, that Keir Starmer’s Labour Party will be any more sympathetic to their cause, with one commentator saying: “No major changes should be expected in the country’s foreign policy,” said the outlet.

“All parties presented their electoral programs in mid-June and they featured no major differences in positions on, for example, the Ukrainian crisis or relations with Russia.”

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General ElectionImmigrationJeremy CorbynLabour PartyNHSNigel Faragerussia