‘Triumphant Labour should take UK to new heights after 14 years of Tory neglect’

Today the country turns the page on 14 years of decline and neglect.

If there was one overwhelming message from voters during the election it was the nation is desperate for change.

They want a country where patients do not have to wait weeks for a GP appointment and do not have to spend hours queuing in A&E.

They want their children taught in schools which are not crumbling.

They want an economy that delivers for everyone, not just the wealthy. They want an end to the cost of living squeeze.

They want affordable housing, decent wages and secure jobs.

They want trust restored to public life with leaders who serve, who do not party during lockdown or hand contracts to cronies.

They want their high streets brought back to life, their communities safe from crime and their waters free from sewage.

And they want Britain to once again stand tall on the world stage and to no longer be an international laughing stock for changing Prime Ministers every couple of years.

Voice of the Mirror has had its say again


They want stability, order and decency.

These are the challenges facing the new government. Repairing the damage will require dedication, graft and determination.

The problems are so ingrained and so widespread, the programme of national renewal will be a decade-long project.

But it can be done; it has been done before.

There was a time when the NHS was the envy of the world, when children were lifted out of poverty, when pensioners had security in retirement and workers were not exploited.

Britain can again be a country at ease with itself, proud of its diversity, history and tolerance. It can be a country which seeks to bring people together rather than foment divisions.

The government will have to battle ­impatience, high expectations and cynicism. Alongside the cry for change is a hunger for ministers to deliver on their word.

The road ahead will be testing. There will be mistakes and setbacks. But this is a government which is up for the challenge.

Today the hard work starts.

Today we begin the journey to a more confident, fairer and more prosperous Britain.

Buckingham PalaceConservative PartyGeneral ElectionNHSPolitics