Jay Slater post-mortem uncovers tragic discovering after ruling precisely how he died

Jay Slater’s preliminary autopsy results have been revealed.

The 19-year-old was discovered in an “inaccessible” area of Masca after plunging into a ravine 29 days after he disappeared in Tenerife.

Spanish officials warned that identification and cause of death would take a while to determine, given his body was badly deteriorated, the Mirror reports.

Now, following Jay’s autopsy results, authorities have pieced together a picture of how exactly the Lancashire teen died, with a tragic finding about his final moments.

A preliminary autopsy is now complete, and points to the cause of death being ‘a fall or plunge from height due to the broken bones he suffered’.

A Civil Guard spokesman stated that Jay’s injuries included several broken bones, stating: “The body of the man located yesterday has been identified of that as Jay Slater through fingerprint comparison and identification. The result of the preliminary autopsy points to the cause of death being a fall or plunge from height due to the broken bones he suffered.”

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Jay Slater