Children discover physique in woods that might clear up lacking man thriller

Children discovered a body while playing in a woodland, amid a search for a missing man.

Norfolk Police were scrambled to an area close to East Hills Road, Costessey, near Norwich, yesterday afternoon before 2.30pm.

Six police cars and a forensics van were reportedly spotted nearby as a police cordon remained in place.

Officers were scrambled to a woodland area in Costessey, close to Norwich, after children made the grim discovery

While formal identification of the body has yet to take place, the family of missing Andrew Yourglivch, 59, have been told the of the development

 Formal identification of the body has yet to happen, but the family of missing 59-year-old Andrew Yourglivch have been told of the development.

Mr Yourglivch was last seen at his home on Godric Place, Norwich, on June 27 and was reported missing on July 9.  

At the time, officers said they were growing concerned for his welfare. 

In a statement, Norfolk police added: ‘Further contact will be made with the families of the children involved in the discovery over the coming days to offer any support.’