Biden mumbles as he reveals why he determined to ‘cross the torch’

President Joe Biden mumbled his way through his reasons for exiting the 2024 campaign while making the argument he could serve another four years if he chose.

He said he chose to ‘pass the torch’ to Vice President Kamala Harris because he believed it would unit the country and save democracy.

‘I believe my record as president, my leadership in the world, my vision for America’s future all merited a second term,’ he said in a primetime address from the Oval Office.

‘But nothing, nothing, can come in the way of saving our democracy that includes personal ambition so I decided the best way forward is the pass the torch to a new generation.’

‘There is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life. There’s also a time and a place for new voices fresh voices. Yes, younger voices,’ he noted. 

Biden fumbled a bit in his delivery, mumbling at times and speaking softly. But he used the address to outline his legacy, to explain his reasons for dropping out of the presidential race, and note he has more work to do in the six months he has left in office.

President Joe Biden, in an Oval Office address, revealed why he decided to step down as the Democratic nominee

He said he revered the office but loves his country more.

‘I revere this office but I love my country more,’ the president said.

‘It’s been the honor of my life to serve as your president but the defense of democracy, which is at stake, I think is more important than a title.’

Biden made it clear he stepping down voluntarily, drawing a stark contrast between his predecessor. He didn’t mention Donald Trump by name but his meaning was clear when he talked about how the country is more important than the Oval Office.

Trump sought to overturn the 2020 election results and stay in power, later facing state and federal charges for his actions.

‘America is an idea – an idea stronger and any army, bigger than any ocean, more power than any dictator,’ Biden said. 

Biden’s decision to step down sent shock waves through out the political world.

He endorsed Harris to be his nominee and turned over his campaign infrastructure to her.  The campaign renamed itself ‘Harris for President.’

Within 30 hours Harris had pledges from enough delegates to win the presidential nomination.

President Joe Biden returning to Delaware after being diagnosised with COVID

Delegates will nominate their ticket virtually betewen August 1-7 ahead of the Democratic National Convention, which kicks off August 19th in Chicago. 

The president returned to the White House on Tuesday after spending six days isolating in his Rehoboth Beach house, where he was suffering from COVID.

He has canceled a West Coast fundraising swing scheduled for the end of the week.

He will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House on Thursday. 

Meanwhile, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday denied there was a ‘coverup’ of Biden’s declining health and mental capabilities by the staff and Biden family members.

Biden’s top spokesperson was grilled repeatedly about Biden’s apparent change of heart when it came to a second term and denied his health had anything to do with the decision.

During her press briefing – the first since Biden’s historic decision to step down as the Democratic nominee – Fox News‘ Peter Doocy asked her: ‘It would seem that people in this White House knew that President Biden was slipping and it was hidden from the American people – so who ordered White House officials to coverup a declining president?’

‘There’s been no coverup,’ she replied.

For weeks Jean-Pierre and other aides denied Biden was considering leaving the presidential race. For months, they denied reports his health was on the decline. But, on the June 26th presidential debate, Biden repeatedly fumbled for words and froze on camera, leading to questions from his own party about his ability to serve a secod term in the White House. On Sunday, Biden announced he was stepping down as the party’s nominee.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre denied there was a ‘coverup’ of President Joe Biden ‘s health and mental capabilities

She said the president made his decision in  ‘very short period of time.’

Jean-Pierre pushed back against reports that aides, lawmakers and Democratic officials had noticed for months that Biden was on the decline. 

She also said his health was not a factor in his decision to exit the presidential race.

‘It has nothing to do with his health,’ she said. ‘I can say, no, that’s not the reason.’

She also called calls for the president to resign from office ‘ridiculous.’ 

There have been questions as to why, if Biden can’t serve four more years, he can serve six more months. 

Jean-Pierre argued that Biden was capable of serving out a full second term. 

‘He didn’t step down from from campaigning or from running because he didn’t believe he can serve in a second term. That is not why,’ she said.