Charlotte from 90 Day Fiance UK opens up about failed romance

 A woman has opened up about getting tested for STIs after suspecting her husband – who is 13 years her junior – was allegedly sleeping around.

Charlotte, from Southampton, starred on the show 90 Day Fiance UK and it looked into her love story with her now-husband, Johan. 

She fell head over heels for the 21-year-old, who worked as a member of the hotel entertainment team, while holidaying in the Dominican Republic with her mother and step-father.

The pair got married a couple of months ago in the country, despite spending only three weeks together in person. Charlotte was surrounded by only her mother, one of her sisters and her best friend, Matt. 

But things turned sour when the show’s production team informed Charlotte that a woman had come forward and told them that Johan had allegedly been seeing her at the same time.

Charlotte’s fairytale romance turned into a nightmare after the show’s production team told her the heart-wrenching news 

The cast’s suspicions soon turned Charlotte’s fairytale romance into a nightmare.

She then put out a post on social media asking if anyone had been involved with her husband and says four more women got in contact.

One of them claimed that she was in a relationship with Johan when he was with Charlotte. 

When asked for proof, Charlotte said she had seen what she ‘needed to see to end the relationship’.

Warner Bros said all claims were put forward to Johan and he has denied all wrongdoing. 

The hairdresser and her friends then did some more digging and found the term ‘sanky panky’ and claimed that Johan works as one. 

She told FEMAIL: ‘A sanky panky is a professional conman, they are in it for the long game. They prey on single women and girls and they make you feel a certain way.

‘The end of the game is to marry preferably an English or American lady so that they can get out of their country and get a visa and they stop at nothing to get what they want.’

A sanky panky develops a relationship with people over time and tends to ask them for things such as money or gifts, continuing the relationship even after a traveller goes back home.  

Charlotte, from Southampton, starred on the show 90 Day Fiance UK and it looked into her love story with her now-husband, Johan

Charlotte and Johan had been having unprotected sex to have children together 

Charlotte claimed she had ‘received evidence’ that Johan had also been sleeping around with other people. 

In an earlier episode of the show, she hinted that she was having unprotected sex with Johan as the couple were trying to have children together. 

Charlotte said that she found it ‘degrading and disgusting’ that she had to go and get tested for STIs upon being told the alleged news. 

She said: ‘It’s quite disturbing really obviously I was only intimate with him throughout our relationship, I was loyal and genuine with him. 

‘The fact that he promised me to have children, that was my future and he ripped that away from me because how am I supposed to stay with someone who has been sleeping around?

‘It’s disgusting because I don’t know if he was using protection with other people and he potentially could’ve given me an STI and that’s not fair.

‘As soon as I found out I got tested and it’s very degrading for me to know that I’ve got to go and get tested because my husband is a lying, cheating individual.’

After the production team told her about Johan’s alleged affair, Charlotte then rang him up and confronted him.

The pair got married a couple of months ago in the Dominican Republic, surrounded by her mother, one of her sisters and her best friend, Matt

She explained: ‘As soon as I saw his face and I questioned him and asked him “Who is she, why are there pictures of you with someone else?” I just knew then that there was no going back. 

‘I just started having a go at home and he was like “No Charlotte, this isn’t true” He said that it was rubbish and people were lying to me.’

Charlotte – who is still currently married to Johan – said that after she did her own digging and other women came forward, she was ‘absolutely broken’. 

‘I wasn’t sleeping well, it’s all I could think about. I didn’t go into this marriage lightly, but when you love someone, that’s the next step. I just couldn’t get my head around how someone could lie so much and keep such a big secret [from me]. I thought I knew him, it turns out I don’t really think I knew him at all.’

She woke up one morning to texts from her friends and family asking if her Facebook account had been hacked. 

Charlotte would often fly over to the Dominican Republic to see Johan as he could not travel to England  

She has been on a couple of dates since her marriage but admitted that she’s ‘not really fussed’ about meeting anyone right now

Charlotte says she found that there was a fake account pretending to be her online that was posting raunchy photos of her in her underwear. 

‘I woke up and there was a fake profile of myself, with the two images put up on the profile [of] what he had,’ she said.

Charlotte said she has gone through ‘one of the toughest years’ of her life after she lost her father to cancer shortly before she married Johan. 

‘That was partly the reason why I brought the wedding forward because I already lost my dad because I just wanted to move my life along because I wanted to be happy with Johan,’ she said. 

‘He was taken very quickly, it wasn’t long, it was a matter of weeks.

‘It’s been one of the toughest years of my life and I’m not saying that for any sob story. I just thought when is this boy going to stop?’

Charlotte said she confided in Johan about losing her father and that he even went as far as to ‘cry on the phone’ with her, leaving her to wonder whether they were ‘crocodile tears’.

She said: ‘I shared the saddest time with him and he’s basically sat there, and he’s taken me for a fool because who that who does that to someone?’

Charlotte’s mother previously expressed her concerns about her whirlwind relationship and is worried that she will used as a ‘sugar mummy’. 

In a previous episode, she admits to her family that she sent him some money for his birthday, to say thank you and for his passport – along with purchasing a new roof for his mother. 

She was in the process of paying around £4,000 to get him a visa, but Charlotte was able to get her money back. 

Charlotte said that she found it ‘degrading and disgusting’ that she had to go and get tested for STIs upon being told the alleged news 

Charlotte’s mother was less than impressed when she found out her daughter had sent money to Johan and his family 

Johan previously requested $60 for his mother, and a further $80 for his grandmother so that she could buy ‘rice’ and pay her ‘electric’ bill. 

Charlotte’s mother was less than impressed and said: ‘Well I don’t really agree with that. You’re not their sugar mummy, that’s not your place.’

Charlotte said her mother is ‘absolutely disgusted’ with the situation and she has always been honest in that she never wanted her to marry Johan. 

She has been on a couple of dates since her marriage but admitted that she’s ‘not really fussed’ about meeting anyone right now. 

She said: ‘I told them a few bits and pieces about what had happened and they just sat there gobsmacked. They couldn’t believe that someone would do that.’ 

When asked what her advice was to anyone who thinks they may be in a similar situation, Charlotte said: ‘Do your research, don’t so be so generous, make them hold their own and pay for certain things. Don’t rush anything and run for the hills and don’t look back.

‘Remember that it might be the end of a relationship or end of a marriage but it isn’t the end of you. You’ve still got to get up every morning and fight for what you really want.’

Johan strongly denies all the allegations made against him and says that their relationship was not a scam.

  • The brand-new series of 90 Day Fiancé UK is available to stream exclusively on Discovery+ now