US has discovered alien ‘autos’ and now desires to pin down who ‘operates’ them

An ex-Pentagon official has made some bold allegations about the US government’s involvement with extraterrestrial life.

According to Luis Elizondo, America has been recovering non-human life forms and unidentified spacecraft as part of a secret crash retrieval program.

“The United States has been involved in the recovery of objects, vehicles of unknown origin that are neither from our country or any other foreign country that we’re aware of,” said Elizondo, who once held a senior intelligence role in the US government.

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Elizondo went on to claim one of the two spacecraft in the Department of Defense’s possession came from the alleged 1947 UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico. But, he says the government’s interest isn’t just limited to these mysterious crafts – it extends to their operators as well.

Luis Elizondo says America has been recovering non-human life forms and unidentified spacecraft as part of a secret crash retrieval program
(Image: To The Stars Academy)

“We as a nation have been interested in not only the vehicles themselves but the occupants of these vehicles; to include biological specimens… We’re not alone,” Elizondo told News Nation.. “We are not alone in this universe and it is a simple fact. The US government has been aware of that fact for decades.”

Elizondo, who left the Department of Defense in 2017, has disclosed more information about these secretive activities than any other US official before him. He claims to have witnessed a “technical device” being removed from a US military service member who had a “UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) encounter”.

According to Elizondo, the object behaved strangely during its removal. “I saw a technical device that had been removed, excised by the Department of Veterans Affairs by a surgeon, a trained physician, from a US military service member who claimed to have a UAP encounter,” he explained. “The physician claimed that the object tried to run on him or evade being excised.”

Despite these startling claims, the Department of Defense has denied Elizondo’s assertions. They maintain they have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial activity.

Sue Gough, a spokesperson for the Department of Defense, told News Nation: “The department is fully committed to openness and accountability to Congress and the American people, which it must balance with its obligation to protect sensitive information, sources, and methods… To date, we have not found any credible evidence of extraterrestrial activity.”

Gough added the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has not found any evidence to back up claims of government programs that involve reverse-engineering or possessing extraterrestrial materials. She also denied Elizondo’s involvement in the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) during his time in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security.

‘We are not alone in this universe and it is a simple fact. The US government has been aware of that fact for decades’
(Image: Getty Images)

Elizondo outlined his background in an article with Newsweek, stating he studied microbiology and immunology at the University of Miami. After serving in the Army, he worked as a special agent in counterintelligence, focusing on protecting advanced aerospace technology.

In 2008, he claims he took on a new role at the Pentagon, joining AATIP after being approached by individuals familiar with his background. Elizondo described his work with AATIP, which included investigating UAP reports, primarily from the Navy, where these unidentified objects would sometimes come dangerously close to US aircraft.

He alleges these UAPs could fly into controlled airspace and combat zones, performing manoeuvres beyond current technological capabilities.

Elizondo said he decided to go public with his information because he believes the American people have a right to know about the presence of UAPs. He claims the government is keeping this information secret because they might represent a threat for which there is no solution, and officials do not want to undermine public confidence in their ability to protect the country.

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