‘Another day, one other Channel tragedy as eight extra drown on overloaded boat’

Another day, another tragedy in the English Channel as at least eight more people drowned when an overloaded small boat sank off France.

The heartbreaking disaster, less than a ­­fortnight after a dozen lives were lost, takes to 45 the known deaths this year.

These deaths are the cost of people-traffickers packing vessels with men, women and children desperate to get to Britain.

The scale of the danger is underlined by French authorities rescuing some 200 folk setting off from near Calais over a 24-hour period between Friday and Saturday night.

But more than 21,000 have survived the treacherous crossing so far in 2024.

It is the absence of safe and legal routes for asylum seekers and migrants to apply to be in Britain that is fuelling the sickening trade. Smashing the gangs is part of the answer. Another is addressing why people will risk death for a chance of a new life in this country.

Beat this bully

Like all bullies, authoritarian Vladimir Putin is thrown when people fight back.

The bellicose Russian leader increasing his threats is the surest sign that he is fearful that British, American and French long-range missiles could destroy his military airfields and obliterate his missile batteries.

Unable to defeat Ukraine, Putin must
also realise that attacking Nato would open fronts that a weakened Russia simply could not defend.

Yes, there are real risks in letting Ukraine use Nato-supplied weapons to take the fight to Putin. But unless the Russian sees sense and withdraws from his western neighbour, ending this conflict requires calculated risks.

Happy returns

People turning 40 often think about what lies ahead, so the Duke of Sussex will have been glad to get a birthday wish from his estranged family.

Here’s hoping the Royal Family realise they should stick together, and let Harry back in.

BullyingMigrant crisisNATORoyal FamilyTalent showsThe VoiceVladimir Putin