Raging resident plots revenge on neighbour who bolted site visitors cone to avenue

Anyone who’s not got a driveway can relate to the frustration of coming home after a gruelling day at work to find your usual parking spot nicked by another motor. If you’re living in busy areas, you might have to head over to the next street over just to park.

Sadly, this is a reality if you lack a designated spot because you don’t have dibs on the tarmac out the front of your home. Nevertheless, it doesn’t stop parking squabbles from causing a right stink in the neighbourhood, with some getting confrontational just to claim their desired patch even going as far as fixing traffic cones to the ground outside their homes.

Gobsmacked, one resident went on Reddit to vent that they were frustrated when trying to park their car into their own street, only to clock that their neighbour had chucked cones beside the curb to save their own parking. And when giving them a cheeky nudge with the motor, they found the cones wouldn’t move an inch.

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They’ve found whoever had places them had bolted them to the floor

Posting with disbelief, they shared: “My neighbour has bolted two cones to the street. This is a new one for me. I live on a small road in the city so I get people putting cones out. I usually just reverse into them to move them. But this one didn’t budge. Bolted. Two of them.”, reports the Mirror.

Commenters on the social media post were swift to dish out advice to the homeowner about how to serve some cold revenge on their neighbour for trying to hog a bit of the public road. One savvy user suggested, “Cut the tops off and only leave the bottom quarter,” to which the homeowner reacted with a keen, “That’s actually a good idea! ” Another chimed in: “Just reverse or drive over them, they break off at the base anyway. The space outside one’s house on the road does not belong to the householder, it’s the county council and public road. You can’t reserve space like that. If you’re feeling really vindictive, put the part of the cone into your car and drive off and leave the bolted bit in the ground.”

Other users urged the homeowner to get in touch with the local council to deal with the neighbour for chucking cones out onto the road. According to the Highway Code, it’s ok to pull up outside someone’s house as long as you’re not obstructing the driveway, ensuring people can still get in and out of their property.

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Neighbours from hell