PC Andrew Harper’s grieving widow slams lewd feedback

The grieving widow of a hero police officer has hit out at the former head of the Police Federation who allegedly made lewd comments about comforting her.

A misconduct panel was today told that retired PC John Apter allegedly made sexualised comments about Lissie Harper in the wake of her hero husband’s death.

Ms Harper became a campaigner after Thames Valley Police officer PC Harper was dragged to his death by a getaway car he had tried to stop in 2019.

Following her husband’s tragic death, Ms Harper was due to collect a posthumous award on behalf of her husband. During the lead up to the event, Apter is accused of saying: ‘I’d like to comfort her in my hotel room.’

At the hearing today, Ms Harper hit back at the former Police Federation chief by saying such comments would be ‘highly inappropriate’ and suggested he abused his senior position.

Retired PC John Apter (pictured) is facing accusations he repeatedly acted in a sexually inappropriate way towards women

Apter allegedly made sexualised comments about Lissie Harper (pictured), who became a campaigner after her late husband PC Harper, was dragged to his death by a car

PC Andrew Harper (left) died in 2019 after being dragged by a getaway car he had tried to stop and his wife Lissie Harper (right) has now become a campaigner for his cause

Apter is accused of making the ‘sickening’ and ‘sexually suggestive’ comment while organising a visit from Ms Harper to collect a posthumous award at the Annual Roads Policing Conference in January 2020 on behalf of her husband, who died five months before.

As Police Federation chairman, PC Apter gave a speech and presented the award to Ms Harper.

Apter is further accused of acting in a sexually inappropriate manner towards two women, including sexually touching a much younger constable on her bottom while whispering: ‘Is that ok?’

On another occasion, it is alleged, Apter said to a pregnant woman working at the Police Federation: ‘Maybe you’ll get a bum now.’

The three allegations relate to incidents in 2019, 2020 and 2021, one of which is alleged to have taken place before an awards ceremony for police bravery.

Apter denies three allegations of gross misconduct.

His former force, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, brought misconduct proceedings against the officer after prosecutors dropped a criminal case involving two sexual assault allegations last year.

Cecily White, representing the force, said there was a ‘pattern’ to Apter’s behaviour, which she said was ‘sexist and derogatory’.

‘There are significant similarities between the allegations that different people have made from different perspectives which show an unfortunate attitude towards women in the workplace,’ Ms White said.

She added that his role as chairman of the Federation ‘placed him in significant power and authority’.

John Apter (left) stands with then Chairman of the Metropolitan Police Ken Marsh outside 10 Downing Street

PC John Apter (pictured in uniform) is accused of saying: ‘I’d like to comfort her in my hotel room’

Apter (pictured) allegedly also said to a pregnant woman working at the Police Federation: ‘Maybe you’ll get a bum now’

Lissie Harper (pictured) said that it would have been ‘highly inappropriate’ of Apter to make the comment

Andrew Harper (left) was in the line of duty working as a Thames Valley Police Officer when he was killed

Lissie Harper (right) has become a campaigner since the death of her husband Andrew (right)

Detailing one allegation, Ms White said: ‘It was about the widow of PC Andrew Harper, who was killed in the line of duty.

‘His widow, Lissie Harper, was due to attend an awards ceremony to accept a posthumous award on behalf of her husband.

‘In the context of a discussion about her attending the event, which would have been quite stressful for her, he said “I’d like to comfort her in my hotel room”, with an obvious sexual connotation.’

PC John Apter’s colleagues were shocked that he made a ‘callous’ comment behind Lissie Harper’s back but ‘acted like a completely different person to her face’, it was heard yesterday.

Ms White also outlined the two other allegations that Apter faces.

PC Apter is accused of groping a young constable’s bottom on a night out before the Police Bravery Awards in London in December 2021.

He is said to have groped her and whispered in her ear: ‘Is that OK?’

On Tuesday Ms White said the incident happened after PC Apter bought the woman, named only as Female A, drinks in an apparent attempt to get her drunk.

Ms White said: ‘PC Apter darted over to the table and gestured for Female A to move along the bench where she was sitting so he could sit next to her.

‘She reluctantly shuffled down to let him sit next to her.

‘As she stands up to shuffle, it’s alleged that he placed his right hand on her right bottom cheek and kept it there.

‘She said he moved his head towards her ear and whispers “is that OK?'”‘

PC Apter is also accused of telling a pregnant colleague in the Police Federation that ‘maybe you’ll get a bum now’. 

Lissie Harper (right) meets with then Prime Minister Boris Johnson at 10 Downing Street in November 2021

Lissie was made an MBE last year for her campaigning work after her husband’s death

Harper’s Law has been introduced into statute ensuring the killers of emergency workers on duty now face a mandatory life sentence

Lissie Harper (right) has dedicated her campaign work to her late husband Andrew Harper (left)

The Police Federation of England and Wales represents the interests of over 130,000 officers across the country, from the rank of constable to chief inspector.

Apter enjoyed a 30-year career in policing and took over as head of the organisation in 2018. He was formerly the head of Hampshire’s policing federation.

Ms Harper was made an MBE last year for her work to get Harper’s Law introduced into statute, ensuring the killers of emergency workers on duty now face a mandatory life sentence. 

The hearing continues.