Roli’s New Instrument Is Both an AI Piano Teacher and a Digital Theremin

The Airwave is an extension of the tech-based teaching methods Roli has been pursuing for years. The company also makes the light-up Piano M keyboard (formerly called Lumi Keys), which is focused on music learners and which incorporates the Roli Learn platform to teach people how to play. With the Piano M, keys light up in time with a song to show players which key to hit. But that hunt-and-peck approach—being told which key to press and then doing it—didn’t seem to translate into enough users completing their lessons in full.

“I was hitting a wall with Lumi,” Lamb says. “It’s great to learn, but we found that people just weren’t progressing enough.”

Lamb envisions the Airwave as being a much more immediate approach that brings the player’s hands directly into the lesson itself.

AI Mastering

Of course, this wouldn’t be a gadget announced in 2024 if it didn’t have a stack of AI baked into it. Beyond the AI-enabled computer vision of the Airwave’s camera, the Roli Learn platform is being updated with Open AI’s ChatGPT chatbot. This will allow piano students to use their voice to control the experience, interact with the lessons, and ask questions. Push a button on the keyboard and you can issue a voice command to load up a song to play next, or to ask questions like what the difference is between a scale and a chord. You can ask which notes are in a C minor chord, and the app will show you on the screen. You can also ask more advanced questions like, “What is a Lydian scale?” or “Qho wrote ‘Hotel California’?” The accuracy you experience may vary, as the answers will be about as good as you can expect from chatbots these days.

It’s certainly not better than having an actual music teacher by your side to answer your questions, but it’s likely quicker than hunting down the right YouTube video that will teach you how to figure something out when you’re playing on your own.

“If you think about it, people have been practicing piano for, like, 250 years,” Lamb says. “Hundreds of millions of people logging thousands and thousands of hours. And fundamentally, it’s an inefficient thing.”

A good teacher can go beyond answering questions by showing you how to properly play a piece or by monitoring the position of your hands and body. But music lessons can be expensive, and the schedules of teachers and students don’t always sync up. Lamb wants the Airwave to fill the gaps between formal classes, where the student wants to learn on their own time and is OK with having a snazzy AI gadget help out.

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