‘He Is Degrading’: Trump Biographers Call Out All The Signs Of Possible Cognitive Decline

Donald Trump biographers Tony Schwartz and Tim O’Brien chimed in on the debate over the former president’s cognitive abilities.

Both authors noted, in recent separate appearances on MSNBC, how the current GOP nominee now appears visibly slower and more tired.

“He is degrading,” O’Brien told MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin.

“His speech is slurring, his mind is slower, he is tired at the end of the day,” suggested O’Brien, who wrote the 2005 book “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald.”

Trump “loses the plot, he loses the narrative, he loses his train of thought, and he’s dangerous and he’s not fit to occupy the Oval Office,” he added.

Watch that video here:

Schwartz, who co-authored Trump’s 1987 book “The Art of the Deal,” told MSNBC’s Ari Melber that Trump is “clearly moving toward dementia.”

Acknowledging he’s not a doctor, Schwartz noted how Trump “can’t put sentences together, he loses track of what he’s saying, he contradicts himself.”

Trump’s “fear is really high now and if you combine the evidence of dementia with a psychopathic personality and his age and exhaustion as one of the consequences, this is one toxic brew that I think that I think some voters will be influenced by,” he added.

Watch that interview here:

The topic of Trump’s mental clarity has come under increasing scrutiny in the home stretch of the 2024 election.

Boston Globe columnist Kimberly Atkins Stohr last week wrote that Trump’s “diminishing cognitive ability can’t be ignored.”

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said he has also noted “significant declines” in his onetime ally. Trump has repeatedly dismissed concerns, however, instead calling his rambling answers and tangents a genius speaking tactic called, “the weave.”
