Rapist who labored as a DJ and lured in victims at discos is jailed

A rapist who used his work as a DJ to groom and sexually abuse children has been jailed alongside his adopted sister who assisted him in the attacks.

Darren Gibson, 54, took advantage of his position to rape and indecently assault his young victims in Leeds between 2002 and 2008.

Two of his victims, who had attended separate discos at venues in the city, were in their early teens when he raped them in 2004.

Gibson exchanged numbers with one of the girls and arranged for her to go to his house the next day.

She and a friend went to the house where Gibson, assisted by his adopted sister Rebecca Kirton, plied them with drink.

The victim’s friend was ill and was put to bed by Kirton, who was also in a relationship with Gibson, before he went on to rape and sexually assault the victim.

Darren Gibson, 54, took advantage of his position to rape and indecently assault his young victims in Leeds between 2002 and 2008

Gibson was assisted by his adopted sister Rebecca Kirton (pictured) , who he was also in a relationship with 

The second victim went up to Gibson to request a song while he was working as a DJ. As she was leaving the stage he sexually assaulted her.

The victim ran home immediately and reported the incident to police.

A third victim was groomed over a longer period of time, from her pre-teens to her mid-teens.

During this time she was raped and sexually assaulted with Kirton joining in with some of the sexual activity.

Gibson was found guilty of 19 offences after a trial in September. This included six counts of indecent assault, five counts of rape, five of assault by penetration, two of causing or inciting a child into sexual activity and one of sexual assault.

Appearing before Leeds Crown Court for sentencing on Friday, Gibson, of Holdforth Close, Leeds, was sentenced to 24 years.

Kirton, 39, of Holdforth Close, Leeds, was found guilty at trial of two counts of assault by penetration, one of rape and one of causing or inciting a child into sexual activity. She was sentenced to 12 years.

Both were ordered to sign the sex offenders’ register for life and issued with lifetime Sexual Harm Prevention Orders.

Appearing before Leeds Crown Court (pictured) for sentencing on Friday, Gibson, of Holdforth Close, Leeds, was sentenced to 24 years

Speaking after the sentencing, Detective Inspector Stephen King, of West Yorkshire Police’s Major Investigation Review Team said: ‘Firstly, I would like to thank the victims in this case for their courage and bravery in coming forward. 

‘They have had to wait a long time to see justice finally being done and I hope today’s outcome will bring some comfort to them.

‘I’m pleased that in handing down these sentences, the court has recognised the gravity of Gibson and Kirton’s offending. They are calculated sexual predators who carried out serious harm to young girls over a significant period of time.

‘West Yorkshire Police has experience in investigating recent and non-recent sexual offences, we have dedicated teams across the Force who are committed to investigating these offences and I would urge anyone who has been a victim of this kind of offending to come forward and report it to us.’

‘You will be believed, you will be safeguarded and it will be investigated.’