Daily Star textual content maniacs: How to repair NHS, hand over Lewis and why King deserved roasting

Come in smarmy starmer your time is up ! The worst pm ever and that is saying something after we had blair ! Oh and thank reeves for my letter to say no cold weather payment ! Tossers the lot of them . Mossy

I’m not aware that I said all the ‘nut jobs’ would suddenly turn into ‘peaceful nice guys’ if Donald Trump becomes US President. On the contrary. Once a nut job always a nut job. That’s why it’s imperative that America doesn’t elect another nut job to the White House. Alan Quay .

The Labour party seem to be finding a lot of financial black holes. This time, Sunderland Cllr Alison Smith says Sunderland council has a short-fall of £18 million with a future defict of £48million. The usual Labour response is the people will have to accept tough decisions such as council tax hikes and service cuts. Here’s an idea, stop wasting money on vanity projects such as foot bridges, creating a bus lane that is too narrow for buses and is now a huge taxi rank. Also, stop converting much needed shops into apartment blocks and office blocks and more parks we don’t need. No doubt, my housing and council tax benefits will be reduced again for the fourth time since April and they will take more of my army pension off me. Gordon, Sunderland

Read more – Daily Star text maniacs: Footie star spotted in McDonald’s and Rick Astley called out

Why is Iron Maiden not in the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame? Brian Thomas Ferris, Newry, Co. Down

Notice F.1 , Lewis Hamilton bad enough he only 17 th , in grid , then he gets one lap and crashes ! useless , he wants to retire and give some young driver a chance with a good car, Sid

This is money NHS loose every year that could pay for extra nurses and doctors. 90m lost unused prescriptions wasted by patients hording them. 40m Lost on holiday tourists giving false addresses. 43m lost on fraudulent claims to access NHS falsely representing themselves as entitled to NHS treatment. we need to tighten up and save this money for better care for those entitled to it. Stockton Jeff

Readers think Lewis Hamilton is losing it
(Image: Formula 1 via Getty Images)

Wicked Letby … Beyond reasonable doubt?? NO, beyond ANY doubt, absolute 100% YES!!!! Bantaman

Why are brits still going to the canary islands stay away one year will have them on there knees Willy N Wales

LABOURS Wes Streeting is going to pick the brains of us mere mortals on how to improve our NHS and save money. Well here’s my advise for Wes Streeting on how to improve our NHS waiting lists, funding ect. Stop treating half the world in our Hospitals for FREE and introduce a Must have Health insurance or able to pay on entry policy. We are and have been conned out of billions of pounds by Health Tourists. If you can’t fund treatment abroad in most countries by Health insurance or cash you will not be treated, it’s high time we followed suit and cut out the everything is FREE in Crackpot Soft Touch Britain. TOD

LORD DARZI’s report Sept 2024 sees a ministers 10 yr plan with doctors warning of increased waiting times and demoralization with productivity improvements squeezing funding Better data / technology allegedly sees 140000 staff hrs saved Let’s get patients off A & E trolleys in corridors waiting times down and morale boosting funding to hospital staff Artificial Intelligence won’t replace Dr / nurse care Wishful thinking needs a dose of reality noty it’s injury threatening quantity’ Sympathies Brian Linford Pontefract

Hot flushes

They are talking about fining people for missed appointments. Well I hope they are going to fine the NHS too. I have had three quite nasty phone calls asking why I didn’t attend my hospital appointment. The first one I got the letter two days after the appointment was due the second letter arrive five days after the appointment was due and the third two weeks after it was due. Do they think we are al psychic? tatey kyte marj Teesdal

No winter fuel allowance. We’ll have to rely on the missus having hot flushes! Andy Rimmer, Preston.

Saving the NHS STOP the overseas tourists coming here to give birth or other operations via NHS they owe millions of pounds make them pay first but that’s only step one to save the NHS Geoff Newcastle

Australia has hit the news after one of our Senators, Lidia Thorpe delivered a very loud, and some have claimed offensive, message to King Charles. It makes a great visual for the TV news but what should be considered, rather than her performance is the content of her message, the consequences of the English arrival, or invasion as she states, and the need to recognise what has happened. She has tried the standard, more diplomatic approaches without any success. The message is the important part. Please listen. Dennis Fitzgerald, Melbourne

artificial intelligenceDonald TrumpLewis HamiltonMoneyNHS