The ’30-minute’ food regimen consultants say can zap fats and stabilize blood-sugar

A catchy diet plan devised over a decade ago has been given new life on social media.

The 30-minute diet, also known as the 30-30-30 rule, says people should eat 30 grams of protein within the first 30 minutes of waking up and then 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise.

Research has suggested the combination of high protein and steady low-intensity exercise, such as a brisk walk or a swim, keeps appetite at bay for longer, meaning less snacking and more energy until lunchtime, and higher fat-burning potential.

The fitness plan has helped TikTokers drop at least five pounds a month, a healthy rate that experts say is sustainable and can help people keep losing and keep off what they’ve lost.

The 30-30-30 rule was devised by lifestyle guru Timothy Ferriss in his book The 4-Hour Body but popularized by biohacker and biologist Gary Brecka on TikTok.

‘I’ve never seen anything in my life strip fat off of a human being faster than this,’ Mr Brecka said at a recent lecture.

Starting the day with a high-protein breakfast, which may consist of a few eggs or a protein shake, is the key to weight management, according to Brecka.

Protein, particularly from chicken, turkey, lean beef, fish, eggs, and some dairy, takes longer to digest than other macronutrients and helps you feel fuller with less food by reducing levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin and boosting levels of a hormone called peptide YY.

The viral 30-30-30 weight loss method involves eating 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up followed by 30 minutes of steady-state cardiovascular exercise such as walking

The morning routine was popularized by biohacker Gary Brecka, who said, ‘I’ve never seen anything in my life strip fat off of a human being faster than this’

High protein intake has also been shown to boost metabolism and increase the number of calories you burn daily by as much as 100.

In addition to animal products packing protein, beans and nuts are high in the macronutrient and should take the place of bread. 

Consuming a bulk of protein while managing calorie intake throughout the day helps the body use up stored fat for energy rather than breaking down muscle proteins, especially during low-intensity exercise.

It also helps manage ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol levels while raising the ‘good’ HDL cholesterol, which has a positive impact on heart health. 

When we think about exercise to lose weight, we believe that working as hard as possible and boosting heart rate is the surefire way to drop pounds.

But, low-intensity steady exercise encourages the body to burn more body fat than carbohydrates for energy.

People are also more likely to stick to a lower-intensity workout long-term. A 2013 study published in Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases compared high- and low-intensity exercises in participants who were overweight to obese. 

The study concluded that ‘prescribing a higher-intensity exercise decreases adherence and results in the completion of less exercise.’

The objective for followers of the 30-30-30 rule is to keep their heart rate at a maximum of around 135 beats per minute.

Mr Brecka said: ‘You should be able to talk on the phone, and read a kindle. You are not panting.’

Dianna Teasdale, a holistic nutritionist, recently shared how she lost about five pounds in a month after combining the routine with a ‘slow-carb’ diet

Low-intensity exercise promotes fat-burning after the workout, thanks to the afterburn effect.

The afterburn effect keeps the metabolism elevated post-exercise, prompting the body to burn fat even at rest.

Additionally, LISS doesn’t spike stress hormones like cortisol as much as high-intensity exercise, which can help the body remain in a fat-burning mode rather than breaking down muscle or storing fat due to stress.

In addition to losing a few pounds, TikTokers who have adopted the diet and fitness plan have said that with their day’s strong foundation of protein, they can avoid harmful spikes in insulin when they eat, which prevents energy slumps.

They have also reported better mood and clearer skin.

Just because you start your day off with protein does not mean you can eat whatever you want for the rest of the day. Eating a lunch or dinner heavy in processed foods will invalidate the gains made during the first half of the day.

People who have found success on the 30-30-30 plan have done so by following an overall low-carbohydrate diet high in greens, whole produce, and protein.